Problem of Bad Roads And Hooliganism In Mushin

Dear Editor,
I write to your good self to express my concern over the bad road conditions and Hooliganism in my vicinity.
The poor condition of roads is one of the major causes of road accident and traffic jams in my vicinity. Besides, the aggressive behaviour of the youth in my area is also another source of worry.
One set of hooligans has about Fifty members and has formed a group called “OMO NO SALARY” which means they don’t receive salary since they are not gainfully employed.
They have caused a lot of havoc in the whole of Mushin. These havoc started in Mid-2017, and from that period, any worker returning late from work is already in danger. There is a certain fear, fear of losing their valuable to these hooligans when they come across them. But that does not end it, as they beat their victims.
Sometimes, market women are forced to close before the sun-set because of the fear of these hooligans. Sometimes, they have the effrontery of walking into people’s shops during the day to demand for money, armed with cutlass. A lot of times, they raid at night from around 8pm. I was also a victim last year; not only did they collect my sales money, they also beat me.
There are lots of bad roads in my vicinity, especially close to Lawanson Road, whenever it rains these manholes are always covered with water which deceives drivers.
The bad roads also cause a lot of traffic because the vehicles are forced to slow their pace because of those manholes.
I believe with the aid of the government these accidents can be reduced, and this would by making quality roads and timely repairs of broken holes, drainage system and insanitary conditions of roads.
I plead with the government that the department responsible for the maintenance of roads should act proactively and save lives and property in Mushin.
Yours Faithfully ,
Ayodele Adedamola.