Ogba Tenant Embezzles N104, 000 PHCN Collection

Tenants of 39 Ogunshola street, in the Ogba area of Lagos are now in quandary over how to handle a case of embezzlement of bills amounting to about N104, 082 domiciled with a co-tenants.
The tenant in question, identified as Mrs Folashade Victor, could not give account of why the said amount contributed over a year ago was not eventually paid into the accounts of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria PHCN.
Matters burst when the PHCN officials disconnected the compound, prompting the tenants and the landlady to ask questions.
A competent source told our reporter that the landlady was particularly enraged after she requested a print out of the compound’s bills payment up to date, and discovered that the lady in charge had not been paying, despite regularly collecting the money from the tenants.
The printout showed she only paid the bills up to March last year, a revelation that enraged everyone.
Pressed, Folashade apologised promising to pay up the money that she had embezzled. Although some of the tenants would have made the matter a police case, but they were prevailed upon after the culprit did an undertaking to pay up the money.
‘’Our concern is, how will a housewife who does not have a strong means of survival be able to pay back such an amount of money’’, questioned one of the tenants when out correspondent probed the matter.
However, they were relieved by the PHCN promise not to cut off supply to the house, but to expect instalmental repayment by the concern tenant.