UN Criticises Sacking Of Veiled French Nursery Worker

Ten years after, the global body, the United Nations’ Human Rights Committee has criticised the 2008 sacking of a French nursery worker for refusing to remove her veil at work.
The committee’s comments relate to the dismissal ten years ago of Fatima Afif from the Baby Loup nursery in the French town of Chanteloup-les-Vignes, west of Paris.
After appeals and legal battles, a court in 2010 ruled that Baby Loup was within its rights to fire Afif.
But in 2013 France’s highest court decided that she had been unfairly fired as a result of religious discrimination.
The UN committee — in remarks published on August 10 and seen by AFP — noted that not allowing the wearing of a headscarf in the workplace interfered with the right to manifest a person’s religion.