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Lady With Insatiable Sex Desires Cries Out For Help (II)



Insatiable Sex Desires

Because of insatiable sex desire, I am making myself meat for boys, both small and big, but it is not me. I don’t know what they put inside me, whether before I was born.

I am ashamed because you don’t know how many years, how many men have slept with me. It will be like I cannot say no to them. I will start feeling somehow. I can be saying no with my mouth but my body is already weak.

I don’t blame them, I am still the one that will go to their house, or anywhere.  If I didn’t agree, they will not come to mumsy’s house to carry me and sleep with me. Which kind insatiable sex desire is that?


That wicked Daddy Ope, his own is worst, for almost five years now, he has been carrying me, sleeping with me, because he knows that insatiable sex desire. And he calls himself Daddy’s best friend. But he will wait for mumsy’s to go to the market, the next thing, “Elizabeth, Lizzy Lizzy, the number one best girl in the whole idioro, where mummy?……..”

Dear Reader,

Why this kind of true life story:


This column has been influenced by the realisation that many people are carrying heavy guilt burdens on account of negative experiences of the past. Here you get your healing relieving such pasts.  We believe pastors on the platform also get better perspectives of prayer points to raise.

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