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IDLE NIGERIAN YOUTHS: In defence of President Buhari




By Salau Adeshola

Since the news broke of the statements credited to President Muhammadu Buhari blasting Nigerian youths and calling them lazy, a lot of reactions have followed. But I am here in defence of Buhari.

Rather than being outrightly upset with Buahri, to the extent of calling him names, let’s analyse that statement critically.


The president said; “Nigerian youths just want to sit down and do nothing…”

He is not totally wrong, after all, there is no political positions left for the youths to aspire to. After the Nigerian leadership has turned leadership posts in the country to recycle bin, the youths of course, have no option than to sit down and do nothing. The entire economic sector is deteriorated. Since there is no space to absorb these youths, what else is there to do?,

. Our institutions are basterdized, so we sit down and do nothing. The leaders at various levels have looted  the country’s treasury, so, we just sit down and do nothing. No protest, no rallies.


He went further; “… banking on the notion that Nigeria is an oil rich nation…”

This is an incredible power of believing in our nation. To live a life of high achievement, we must fully believe in our nation resources. And device productive means to attain our potential. The failure of leaders to bank on the nation resources and used it properly to develop other sectors accounted for their gross mismanagement and looting.

Also;  “… more than 60% of the population is below 30…”


Now, going by the recent report that Nigeria population is about 198 million, that means the number of youths eligible to vote should be about 118.8 million. But the last general election only had about 30 million voters including rigged votes!. Which means that if we really could mobilize ourselves, we have the capacity to fill all the leadership posts in coming elections. The ball is in our court!

PMB, also said;  “… a lot of them haven’t been to school…”

Fantastic! It’s a challenge. Have we been to school? How can we justify that, if we can’t apply what we’ve learned from school to improve the society? We only learn grammar, not applications. As you know, it is those that can hardly provide their first school leaving certificates that are still ruling us. The caliber of people presiding over us is a justification that we haven’t been to school. ‘Oloju koni la oju e sile ki talubo ko wo.’


“… they are claiming that Nigeria is an oil producing country…”

Please, kindly ask a Togolese, the sources of Nigerian’s budget finance. If we do not have oil, are we selling sand?

Finally he concluded that; “they should just sit down and do nothing, and get housing, health care, education for free.”


Colleagues, remember that during Buhari’s youthful years, he and his peers did so much. The likes of late Maj. C. K Nzeogwu, Lt. Col. Adekunle Fajuyi, Maj. Gen. T. Aguiyi Ironsi, Gen. Murtala R. Mohammed, Gen. Olusegun Obasonjo, Lt. Gen. T. Y Danjuma, Col. S. K Dimka, Maj. I. D Bisalla, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, GMB etc. They did so much, didn’t they?
And a latter generation, methinks we should surpass them, but without resorting to violence.

We should do so by engaging in series of sensitization programmes and active participation in political decisions making.
Arise from your seats, Nigerian youths, there’s much to be done. If we unite, we will be free and make our country great.
God bless the federal republic of Nigeria.   God bless PMB for his positive incitement!
