Secret of Prosperity As Revealed By Myles Munroe

Here a secret of prosperity, a short but impactful ministration as given by celebrated coach and minister, Myles Monrue.
He says: I am giving you a secret now. My prosperity, in my life, I never prayed for it.
You know I own my own jet, my house is paid for, I have no debt; I have all these things. God has been so good, I never prayed once for any of it, because in the kingdom, you don’t pray for things.
I discovered the secret, and that is to keep thanking Him all day, every minute: ‘You are Lord, you are Lord’.
When you say that, you put pressure on Him.
When you confess Him as Lord, you are telling him, ‘you own me, you own the situation; if it doesn’t work, I will blame you’.
That’s why you are still sick.
You have been praying for healing all these years and you have been sick.
You know why you are sick? Because you wanna get healed.
Secret of Prosperity As Revealed By Myles Munroe
Change your prayer: tell Him, this is your body – you got to say it from your spirit:
This is your body, and your body doesn’t look too good right now. You better fix your own body:
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He will heal you right now.
He will heal you if you tell Him, you are Lord.
‘I am giving you a secret, i never prayed for my prosperity’ is a paraphrased from one of the teachings by Myles Munroe.