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Warfare, Business Clinic, Testimonies, Highlight TREM Men’s Camp 2024



TREM Men’s Camp 2024
Bishop Peace Okonkwo ministering to the men

By Cami Ezenwa with pictures from Josephat Uneke

TREM Men’s Camp 2024: This last weekend was one of great impact for members of the Christian Men Fellowship of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM).

It was a weekend in which they set aside other encumbrances for a spiritual encounter with God under the auspices of their 2024 Men’s Camp.


With Preserved To Prosper as theme, the camp meeting was a beautiful blend of warfare, business clinic, keep fit exercises, medical screening and the sharing of testimonies, reiterating the constant move of God in the lives of His children.

The Camp Commandant, Dcn Chris Ononogbo, fitting for the weekend’s assignment, given his height, impressive frame and spiritual presence of mind, set the business-like tone for the meeting at the dot of 9pm

“Nine is nine!, he reiterated, “when you give God an appointment, you have to make sure you keep it”, he moralized, urging the men to arise for the hour had come.


Through with the acknowledgement of dignitaries present, Dcn Ononogbo was back with the rules of engagement for the night.

“I am a commander and a commander commands”, he announced to the cheer of the men. And all through the night, he was up and about, admonishing here and alerting there.

The first major prayer of the night was that of thanksgiving and this was handled by Dcn Bola Shofowora.


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TREM Men’s Camp 2024

The CMF President, Dcn Aiyegoro addressing the men at the camp

Picking his texts from the story of the ten lepers in Like 17:11, and God’s goodwill of making His children to triumph always, II Cor 2:14, he stressed  the importance of thanking God for all His goodness.

TREM Men’s Camp 2024

Guest minister, Rev Chinedu Nkere charges the men

Others were prayers for mercy anchored by Rev Steve Ahanotu; Rev Kayode Odiaka for the wisdom commanded for men’s glory, and Dcn Charles Onyenso who was saddled with prayers for church growth.

Other major prayer points were for members’ spiritual growth and maturity by Rev Joel Oba; for families by Dcn Francis Adetola as well as for TREM children anchored by Dcn John Evbodaghe.

Among the impactful testimonies shared in a segment anchored by Public Relations Officer (PRO), Dcn Sam Itepu were by Emma Chikwuma – recovery of lost purse; deliverance of family from fire incident; Frank Nabena- favour before a judge and more; and Dcn Henry Okaro for God’s favour in securing and executing juicy contracts in the Niger Delta.


READ ALSO: Rev Monday Saw It All When I Was In Hospital And Couldn’t Help Myself –Bishop Mike Okonkwo

All the testimonies gave fillip to the assurances of the CMF president, Dcn Lanre Aiyegoro, of abundant blessings awaiting all who were able to make it to the camp.

The president had earlier informed the house, the loaded programme for the camp, all aimed at truly impacting men.  These included a medical ministration encompassing blood sugar level tests, a business clinic moderated by Dcn Robert Ajiamah and which had Dcn Fred Amobi, Dcn Adetola, and Dcn Nabena sharing insightful ideas how to excel at the business space.

The health talk session saw Dr Alex Omene educating the men best way to handle their health and wellbeing even as they advance in age. The segment particularly warned men not to self-medicate, but to seek experts’ advice whenever necessary.


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The midnight oil for the opening day was administered by amiable man of God Rev Chinedu Nkere, a ministration with many nuggets, for examples: you are not a success until your successor succeeds; and you can be in prison and not imprisoned

Rev Nkere predicated his admonitions on a number of scriptures: Jer 29:11, 1:5, Is 35:27; and Math 24.


Hovering around the theme, he contended that God is ever interested in the prosperity of His children and has given them equal access.

Sometimes, he said, the things they go through, no matter how painful, remains in the plan of God for their success.

After all, the scripture at Is35:27 makes clear the God delight in the prosperity of His servants.


“By the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ”, the minister said, “you cannot but prosper. ..and where there had been delay, he declared they would receive double.

By the time Bishop Peace Okonkwo and her entourage arrived the camp, it was with words of assurance to the men that God has answered their prayers.

” I came to tell you today that what God has spoken about you is still coming to pass. Why do you think you are still alive? It is so that His glory will be seen in your life and you will accomplish everything God has spoken about you.


READ ALSO: How God Saved Us From No-Nonsense Robbers –Bishop Okonkwo

“After this meeting, get ready, God is going to lift you”,, the woman of God declared.

The seamless transition from one highlight to another, as well as effective mobilisation of as many men as possible for one role or another, spoke volumes of the coordination ability of the camp committee led by Goddy Nnabugwu. Men came out in their number with song ministrations that ensured there was no dull moment.

*Watch out for other reports