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Ras Kimono’s Mistress’ Death: Matters Arising Over Burial Sites, Paternity



,Ras Kimono and Efemena Okedi

The last, obviously, may not have been heard of Efemena Okedi, the mistress of reggae icon, Ras Kimono, who died two weeks ago after complaining of chest pain.

The Eagle competently learnt that aside the issue of burial site, between Lagos and Isoko, her home town, for which a meeting of the family members have been scheduled, that there are other issues of contention.

One is that before late Efe met Ras Kimono, she actually dated Baba Fryo and ace comedian Ali Baba and had a baby boy, Onome, in-between the relationships.

Efemena was still taking care of Onome, now about 23 years, when she struck a fresh relationship for Kimono, as his back-up singer.


Our correspondent learnt that Efemena left her retainership with a live band in the Ajegunle area of Lagos and hooked up with Ras.

One thing led to another and both acts produced a pretty baby girl whom they named Unodinma.

Unodinma celebrated her fifth birthday a few days after her dad’s burial.


However Ras never withdrew his love for either Efemena or Onome; infact, both stayed with him at his Abiodun Bero Estate residence in the Magodo area of Lagos.

In fact, not many knew that multi-talented Efe equally had a relationship with an Akwa  Ibom man, for whom she also gave birth to a boy.

Our source said when the boy’s father died; he started living with his paternal grandmother, who also died recently.


The Eagle however learnt that Efe was actually a treasure, in that beyond being Ras Kimono’s back-up singer, she also efficiently managed his itinerary.

In fact, we learnt that she brought her competence and dedication to bear in the operations of the Massive Dread Band  owned by the reggae star, whom she usually referred to as “The Lion”, or “my king”.

