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Now Everybody Wants Annuity Investment, 8 Vital Reasons Why



Everybody Wants Annuity Investment

By Cami Ezenwa

Now that everybody wants annuity investment, what are the possible reasons why?  How is it becoming the preferred maiden in the midst of a legion investment options?

Everybody wants annuity investment simply because it is a friendly hedge for a secure financial future; you will see the abundant reasons down this investment intelligence piece, why now, everybody wants annuity investment.


It is a recourse  both in the light of recent unforseen disastrous happenings within and around, as well as  the imperatives of enjoying a stress-less life as a matter of routine.

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What Are 8 Vital Points/Guides why Everybody Wants Annuity Investment?

  1. Annuity is a special insurance contract between financial institutions and discerning investors that pays a fixed income in the future from the pool of invested funds.
  2. There are different types of annuity policies but commonly:



-Indexed, immediate and deferred.

3. Investors who take up annuity contracts honour their part of the bargain by paying agreed premiums either at the point of takeoff in the form of lump sum lodgment or monthly payment.


4. Discerning persons genuinely concerned about future welfare and family sustainablity, especially upon retirement, take up annuity contracts.

5. The great thing about annuity is that it is guaranteed income for the rest of life.

6. Annuity is tax-deferred implying you are only taxed upon withdrawal.


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7. It should be noted that annuity is not short term in tenure and should not seen as a repository for short term withdrawals.

8. At advancing old age or imminent retirement a man needs a peace of mind and one of the sureties to that, is being in possession of a viable annuity policy. This is is one of the strongest reasons that everybody wants annuity investment.


A Word Of Caution

Though advantages may overweigh disadvantages but there are sides to an issue, so before taking up any annuity policy, do please seek additional advice from a trusted investment advisor to be on the safe side.
