Keeping A Relationship Strong – The Dos & Don’ts (1)

How do you keep the magic in your relationship alive? What are the secrets to maximising the happy times and surfing the rough patches? Read on to find out.
Why are relationships so hard? How do you keep them strong? Every little thing counts. Here’s how to stay close and connected to your partner after the excitement of a new relationship has reduced.
The Dos…
…Communicate With Each Other
Talking and sharing with each other is key and the cornerstone to keeping your relationship strong and healthy.
Unless you share what’s worrying you, it’s quite likely to eat away at you and the relationship. Whether it’s your studies, work, sex life, emotions, friends and family, or just something about your partner that annoys you, bring it out into the open and discuss it honestly and directly with each other.
Similarly, don’t be defensive when your partner offers you some feedback. Listen to them with an open mind and look for the truth in what they’re saying. Figure out what applies and put yourself in their shoes and be compassionate in your response to them. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it, your tone, expressions, and your body language while you do so.
…laugh together
When the atmosphere gets tense, find the right moment to crack a joke and laugh together.
Nothing can cut through negativity quite like humour.
Do your best to make your partner laugh because when you go through tough times, a good laugh can often help you find your way to the other side far easier. A positive attitude will help you over the rough patch.
…make technology work to your advantage
When you’re running short of time, it’s hard to make time for regular conversation, but it’s easy enough to send a quick SMS just saying ‘I’m thinking of you’ or ‘I miss you, it keeps the fire burning. Keeping a sound relationship is what living for.
-to be continued