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7 Mobile Phone Brands In Hot Demand In Nigeria 2024 & Why



7 Leading Mobile Phone Brands

By Cami Ezenwa

We are in the dawn of a new year and x-raying the 7 Leading Mobile Phone Brands and their prices, is something of importance.

Acquisition of phones have become more than a necessity, because of their utilitarian values.


In fact, in some settings, the undertone is, show me your phone, and I can tell you your real worth and value.

Our story on the 7 Leading Mobile Phone Brands in Nigeria 2024, underscores this point, highlighting phone brands not on the basis of newness and cost, but real values to derive from using them.

1. Infinix


When you talk about phones with utilitarian values in Nigeria, one brand that readily comes to mind is Infinix. That value is served by a number of attributes including long battery life, compactness and what some users describe as functionality.

Users for example, are able to deploy the device for a long time without breaking their heads that the phone could go off any moment. In other words, once the device is charged, the user could keep up with office, clients and family for a comparably long time.

Add camera quality and compactness, and your combination for a phone of first choice is complete.

2. Samsung


Samsung as a mobile phone brand in Nigeria has a lot of good things going for it.

It is a dominant brand in Nigeria because the brand name itself evokes a lot of positive customer sentiments.

Sleekness, beauty, and market share are all part of Samsung’s strong points and its accessories are easily accessible in the market.


If you talk of phones of class in Nigeria, you would need to include the Galaxy S series, and that product of the Samsung stable.

Samsung in 2024 is one of the 7 Leading Mobile Phone Brands in Nigeria.



In the hand-held phone market in Nigerià, Nokia occupies an enviable place. Long known for durable products, it is equally not a pushover when it comes to infusing elegance into its products.

Nokia’s consistent presence amongst the leaders is indicative of its innovativeness.

It currently remains in the reckoning with its customer rendering Nokia 105.

4. Apple


Apple is not only one of top 7 mobile phone brands in Nigeria, anytime iPhones are mentioned,  Apple, iPhone 11 and 11 Pro series take their place.

Almost like in laptop business where its products connote class, the handset sector of the Nigerian gadgets business has an elevated slot for Apple. The position has been earned over a period of time, during which, by a careful mix of qualities, Apple phone brands rose to reckoning. Now, it is like a rare masquerade which doesn’t come to the market every day, but steals the show any time it does.


At Tecno, consolidation appears to be the word, having succeeded in permeating the market with products that respond to literally every segment.


Its strategy appears to bespeak the slogan, for each household, a phone, has made so much difference. It appears to be Tecno’s clincher at remaining a dominant brand in the market


From being a new comer to the market, attracting a handful of speculators, Oppo is steadily stating its claims in the phone market in Nigeria.


I’m fact, it has moved from being a consolatory option to be being the prime choice for an increasing number of customers.

It was able all these while, to situate itself in the right customer demand conditions.

With the gradual buildup in popularity has come from its stable has come products that speak of class as testified to by its Realme series.



Obviously, customer centeredness is at the driving seat of Huawei’s marketing drive.

It has also accounted to why anyone would come out of its stored any day clutching a phone of choice.

Though reputed highly in its place of inception, China, it has been a gradual climb up the leader in the Nigerian market.


You could hardly take a currently, using any indices, without Huawei showing up.

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