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Alert: Cooking Oils Used By Millions Linked To Cancer



You may have to read and digest this report before deciding on which cooking oil to buy next

You obviously know about the deadly disease, cancer; what you may not have heard is that cooking oils used by millions of people have been discovered linked to cancer

This is not guess work, but the sum of a research study factoring the content of such cooking oils as well as preponderance of use

Part proof is that cancer patients who cut seed oil out of their diet may be able to slow their tumors, according to a new study.

Scientists arrived at this conclusion, by studying 100 men in early age of prostate cancer over one year.


And what did they find?

They found that those who ate less foods with vegetable oil and more foods like salmon had slower growing cancer than people who ate a normal western diet.

According to the study, seed oils – which include canola oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil – are high in omega-6 fats which some studies suggest may increase inflammation, making it easier for cancer to take over your system.


On the other hand, oils found in fish are high in omega-3 fats, which are thought to protect against inflammation and support the immune system.

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“Our findings suggest that something as simple as adjusting your diet could potentially slow cancer growth and extend the time before more aggressive interventions are needed”, Dr William Aronson, a professor of urology at UCLA school of medicine who led the study, said:

.”The leading US medical bodies all say that seed oils are safe and are not linked to cancer or other diseases”, according to this report published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology


The Mail On Sunday also observes that this study comes just days after research from University of South Florida published earlier this week linked seed oils to the increase in colon cancer cases in young people.

Seed oils and other ultra-processed foods could lead to inflammation and fuel a rise in colon cancers, it added

“In that study, the researchers suggested that the fats found in seed oils may promote inflammation, which can damage tissue, making it more easy for tumors to grow.


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“These lipids are believed to be dangerous in two ways – they promote inflammation which helps cancers grow and they prevent the body from fighting the tumors.

The report also referenced the American Cancer Society as estimating that there will be 299,010 cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in 2024 – which means about 201,000 will have early stage disease that they may opt to monitor, instead of treat.

In the new study, the researchers looked at 100 different men with this stage of prostate cancer.



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