UnitedHealthcare CEO Thompson May Have Caused His Own Death

Could it be true that UnitedHealthcare Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brian Thompson, 50, who was shot dead around 6:45 a.m. on Wednesday caused his own death?
Well, that is the undertone in the submission of a former Maryland State Police commander Major Neill Franklin.
He has suggested that Thompson, who was killed near the Hilton hotel in Midtown .in New York City that morning may have orchestrated his own assassination.
Franklin told Dana Bash that it is a possibility that Thompson may have hired a gunman to kill him Wednesday morning, not intentionally though.
He drew his conclusion from the apparent evidence that the gunman seemed to know much about the late UnitedHealthcare CEO.
“There are times when people have orchestrated their own demise for certain reasons,”
“it is a possibility that he hired someone to kill him.”

Investigators still in search of clues
“This guy knew too much about where he was going to be at a specific time.
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“When you look at the timeline of him coming to that area outside of the Hilton and where he was outside of the Hilton, it’s a very small window, very small window. It’s not like he was roaming around.”
“He was there
“He was laying in wait. Who would have that specific type of information?”, he queried rhetorically.
It is three days now since the shooting, and much on the man remains a conjecture, especially in terms of his exact whereabouts or the direct reason for the shooting.