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8 Nuggets Of Victorious Christian Living Worth Emulating



Victorious Christian Living

By Cami Ezenwa If you truly desire victorious Christian living, these 8 Nuggets of a fulfilling Christian walk will be of interest to you.

Not only are they aptly worded, but also because  they have proven key in securing Godly favour. The 8 Nuggets and nine were espoused recently by Rev Iyke Osuji, resident pastor of the Festac branch of the Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM).


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1. Gratitude to God for what He has already done opens many more doors; 2. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong

3. You couldn’t have come this far in life just by experience, it’s the Lord that has preserved you 4. When you were weak and the devil could have snuffed life off you and nobody could have complained, there was a hand that held you up, the hand of God.

5. You should be grateful because even while you were not yet anointed, He protected you. He said to Jeremiah, before I formed thee in your mother’s womb, I knew there.

Also, I lay me down and I awoke because the Lord sustained me

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6. Because life is easier for you should not make you think you are most intelligent or most hardworking; don’t forget that the ladder of success is created by God (and that except the Lord builds the house…) 7. It is easy to cry about things you do not have, and blame God, but that’s because you are alive in the first place. 8. Did you pass through challenging experience, yes; but the truth is that it could have been worse.


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