10 Irresistible Spots To Touch A Woman & Drive Her Wild

If you are fortunate enough to have a lady trust you with her presence, the rest of the job in terms of wooing her, rests with you. It wouldn’t be a big deal; if you know those spots to touch her and she would yield. We present to you a feature that exposes those spots that touching could take her to the proverbial state of no return. It is a revelation that you would obviously appreciate.
Run Your Hands Gently Through Her Hair
The scalp is one of the more neglected areas on the body during physical intimacy. That being said, it remains an especially sensitive area and, when stimulated, is guaranteed to increase arousal. Run your hands through your partner’s hair, ensuring that your fingertips come in contact with the scalp. Be sure to move slowly in order to reduce the possibility of accidentally pulling or tugging on hair, which can become painful and uncomfortable. Use your fingernails to gently caress the top of your partner’s head, ensuring that you come into contact with the entirety of the scalp. This functions as an excellent precursor to further foreplay.
Don’t Shy Away from the Pelvis
You must have developed a level of intimacy to be able to reach a woman’s pelvis without earning a slap in return. Should you be that close, why not? You can devote time to the pelvic region without engaging in heavier foreplay or sex. Use your fingertips to lightly caress the lower stomach and hips, tracing your partner’s hip bones with your hands. If you’re doing this correctly, you’ll probably observe goose bumps forming on your partner’s arms and legs. The slower you move, the more tantalizing these motions will be. If you’re feeling bold, move your hands delicately across the pubic region, avoiding direct contact with the clitoris or vagina. This can be a particularly effective precursor to oral sex.
Touch Her Inner Thighs
Again, be sure to focus on using a light touch here. Imagine that you’re gently brushing a canvas with a paintbrush. Use your fingertips to trace the outline of your partner’s thighs, delicately exploring the area near the vagina. If you’re willing to be patient, shy away from direct vaginal or clitoral contact at this point. This will increase the effectiveness of actions later on.
How about A Foot Massage
The feet are one of the body’s classic erogenous zones on both men and women. Giving your partner a foot massage as an introduction to an evening of physical intimacy can definitely help set the mood for further romance. Both the top and bottom of the foot are responsive to touch, although the majority of the sensory nerves can be found in the arch of the foot. When giving a foot massage, be sure that your touch is firm enough that you don’t end up tickling your partners. This is one particular region where a lighter touch may not be the right move.
Fondling, Caressing, kissing and Biting the Earlobes
As you progress into foreplay, devote a brief period of time to stimulating your partner’s earlobes using your teeth and tongue. The delicate hairs on the ear are very responsive to touch and can produce immensely pleasurable feelings for women. The ears have also gained a reputation as being a popular erogenous zone for many women.
Palms of the Hands
Rubbing the palms of your partner’s hands provides you with a unique opportunity to stimulate a popular erogenous zone while continuing to kiss the lips, face, ears and body. Gauge your partner’s response to your actions carefully. Although a delicate touch may be ineffective, pressing to firmly on the palm of the hand may be painful. As with the majority of the erogenous zones, the “right” touch varies depending upon the individual in questions.
Behind Her Knees
The back of the knees are just as sensitive as the bottom of the feet, and can be stimulated easily using the fingertips and tongue. When caressing this particular area, you’ll also have easy access to your partner’s hips and thighs, and can easily reach these additional erogenous zones for added pleasure.
The Small of Her Back
During foreplay and sex, placing a hand on the small of your partner’s back will provide both of you with additional support and physical contact, which can increase arousal levels and an atmosphere of intimacy during these special periods. Use your fingertips to gently caress this area, focusing on the tail bone and the top of the buttocks.
The Clavicles
This is definitely one of the more neglected erogenous zones on the female anatomy. Use your fingertips and tongue to gently massage your partner’s clavicles. If you are using your tongue, you’ll have the ability to use one or both of your hands to caress the breasts and back, both of which are guaranteed to increase physical desire.
The Nape of Her Neck
You can stimulate this particular area while also focusing attention the earlobes and scalp. Use your tongue to gently massage the neck while allowing your hands to roam freely over these other erogenous zones.