Students Break Into Staff Room, Set It Ablaze After Retrieving Phones Seized From Them

What could have given secondary school students the courage to break into their head teacher’s office, retrieve phones seized from them and then set the office ablaze?
That is the question yet to be answered in Lusaka, where students of the Kwmwala Secondary School carried such attack.
They also set ablaze the staff room reducing to ashes several learning documents including text books and mid term examination answer scripts, reports from the Zambian Observer states..
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The attack reportedly took place early hours of last Thursday, as confirmed by Police Assistant public relations officer, Godfrey Chilabi.
“It was discovered that the office of the deputy headteacher had been broken into, [and] upon inspection, it was revealed that an undisclosed number of cell phones of undisclosed value had been stolen from the same office,” Mr Chilabi said.
“These cell phones were confiscated from the school pupils on the previous day, June 14, 2023.”
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Although both headteacher and his deputy confirmed the incident, they could not give further details and referred all queries to the higher authorities.
The platform said the Ministry of Education communication expert Kunda Mando had said the ministry was still waiting for a report from school authorities, police and other stakeholders..