Profitable Ventures That You Can Go Into In The Lockdown

Profitable ventures that you can go into in the lockdown actually abound, just that sometimes, some of us literarily wait on the proverbial still small voice.
Why wait for a voice when everything else around us seem to suggest the imperative of trying out something new, of venturing out.
There is s saying: nothing ventured nothing gained, meaning that you have to take a risk in order to get something good.. It is on the basis of the above, that we present this article hoping that it will challenge mindset today. It is about the economically-rewarding things that you could leverage on the lockdown to do:
. Re-strategise your life
A respected man of God and prosperity coach, Bishop Mike Okonkwo has a saying which paraphrased is, that, it is only an irrational fellow that would keep doing something over and over the same way and expect a different result.
The same applies to a man who has been using the same game plans to advance financially, but that has met setbacks each time. The reality is that he needs a change in strategy. Profitable ventures run on the back of good strategies.
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A winner-starting point is in sitting back and reflecting over the past and how that past has been run.
Dispassionately, sit by the edge of the bed, or your study, book and biro in hand, and ask, and meditate.
Profitable ventures to go into is part of the relevant questions to pose. Be sure to answer those questions as sincerely as possible –you would be close to a fresh and impeccable methods and approaches. In any case, one day of the lockdown devoted to this would not be a wasted time.
- Write a book
If you have been good in a particular discipline for say, seven years, you are obviously a good mine of ideas in that discipline, a rich resource without knowing it.
Someone who has been sitting behind an educational counselling desk for example, is already an author in waiting, in the area of educational counselling. All those guides you dissipate energy regularly dishing out to people of diverse ages and fates can readily be articulated into a book it down as a book?
In fact, that way, you can reach more people per time in an enduring and profitable manner. Profitable ventures this time include authorship of a book.
- Start writing for a blog or website
Your ideas are too good to be bottled in the inside of you; you can make it available to a credible website or blog. If good, you are on your way to gaining a retarinership that would yield money.
Just deliberate about it, in the sense of launching out. First identify a good platform or editor, and have a discussion.
From experience, your initial attempts may not make the mark, but with consistency and the right guidance, you could break through.
- Start online seminars and conferences
Before now, foresighted professionals in the knowledge transfer field have been exploring the advantages inherent in technology to sell online teaching seminars. With lockdown, you are good to try this out or consolidate on it depending.
Since it is the way to go, whether or not there is COVID-19, why not latch unto it.
- Start special delivery services
If you have been selling in a shop all these while and have built an impressive customer base, why not try out a delivery business and carry your customers along.
In Lagos and Ogun states where the lockdown has been relaxed, certain delivery opportunities have been made possible without some people actually knowing.
A few clients of mine with stalls at Ikeja, have since resorted to occasional deliveries based on customers’ orders. All you need to know is what is permissible in your area in terms of the lockdown.
At some markets, each day of the week has been properly designated or merchants in particular lines of business. You could study the time schedules and scout for clients that may not be interested in getting to the market themselves.
Good Mother Shop, with service outlets at the Ishaga market in the Ifako Ijaiye area of Lagos has plunged into home deliveries, so long it is foodstuffs you need.
The proprietress in an interview with our reporter confirmed that all you need is call her up and she would arrange deliveries based on the days, their shop has permitted by the Lagos State government to operate.
- Start a neighborhood shop
You can also explore starting a neigbourhood shop, depending on where you live and what the needs of the immediate neigbourhoods are. Of course, you would have worked out the logistic of getting your own supplies.
The point really is that some of these emergent ideas may not seem easy at first thought but could actually sell on the short and medium runs.
- Do home service
This is one season that is best suited for home service, as different from home deliveries.
For example, barbing and saloon businesses have been hardest hit in the Ogun and Lagos areas. However, a number of operators who were doing skeletal home service but with regular barbing salons, are consolidating on home services.
Some have raised their bar when it comes to sanitation precautions and plunging fully into home services. You do not need to ask, the financial return is even more rewarding.
A barber who charges N300 per adult barb now takes N700, and he comes with a full complement of COVID-19-compliant tools box.