Opay Rider, Tout Hold Each Other’s Throat Over N500 Ticket

Argument ensued between an Opay rider and a tout at Fagba Junction in the Iju road area of Lagos last week, over a loading fee of N500, causing a stir among onlookers.
The fracas began when the tout insisted that the O’pay rider must pay the fee before picking a passenger, but investigation by The Eagle correspondent showed that the rider had earlier paid at Agege motor park but the tout was not ready to hear.
He said since the rider could not provide a ticket, he was telling a lie, and the refusal of his opponent to pay a “second time” was what led to the argument.
This results in the tout removing the rider’s key and also threatening him with beating by mobilizing his members.
Many onlookers had gathered blaming the ‘agbero’ for behaving that way with the rider, wondering why he should be threatening a registered rider under O’pay .
The agberos that gathered had begun to molest the rider but it took the arrival of policemen to restore order.
The police officer first asked some of his colleagues to move the bike off the main road before taking the touts and the Rider away.