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Landlady Slashes Tenant’ s Face Over Unpaid Utility Bills



Is refusal to or delay in paying utility bills enough reason for a land owner to inflict physical injuries on his tenants?

That is the big question in Ikotun area of Lagos where landlord of No, 78, Amudalatu Agodo, Ikotun, Ubasinachi Ekweozor and his wife Anulika Ubasinachi Ekweozor have disfigured a lady’s face over utility bills.

Husband and wife are currently cooling their heels and probably reflecting their actions at the Ikotun Police Station where they are currently held.


This followed their attack on Oyize Peter who narrated what led to the attack.


Reports monitored by The Eagle Correspondent on the matter, said the power distribution company had disconnected Oyize because she owed electricity bills .


The matter was said to have angered the landlord since the tenant’s house was also connected to the pumping machine that serves the entire compound.

The landlord reportedly called an electrician to connect the machine’s wire to his own apartment, and a plumber to disconnect Oyize’s water pipe.

This was what led to an altercation, that was eventually setiiled, but not so with the landlady.


She was said to have taken the tenant unawared on Sunday while she was doing her chores when the landlady attachjed with axe.

The result was the scared face on the tenant and the blood that flowed.
