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How To Attract, And Keep Rich And Influential Men



Do you know that as a lady you can attract, date and keep a man of means, respected and able to provide you anything that money can buy?

And to think of it, there is no scarcity of such men in and around us. In fact, aside the well known rich men who cruise about in limousines and private jets, are another category who believe in modesty.

They have their hands in plum investments and can afford anything o=money can buy. The truth is that some of them equally desire ladies who can complete their lives in a way.


Some want female company, of ladies that would massage their egos or make them feel as “real men”. . What then do you need as a lady to fit in?

What do you need to get them to fall in love with you?

An Eagle Correspondent who has been researching the matter provides a guide:

  1. Where can you see him?

You have got to meet with somebody before you attract them. This implies finding first and foremost, where he hangs out, the friends he keeps or the rounds he keeps.

It might be his social club, preferred restaurant, or car wash joint. With this information in your kittly, it becomes easier to get closer.

These days, the social media could be handy. Some have learnt perfectly how to stalk the men of their preference, especially if they in the social media circle.

  1. Raise or build your self-esteem

It is said that nothing would be impossible for the one who believes it.

To date a rich man, first resolve it in your mind that it is possible. It is immaterial of the level of beauty that you think you possess. Or in fact, the availability or lack of other important bodily attributes.


If you reflect well, I am sure you would have seen ladies of less comparable intellectual, physical attributes going out in the very men that matter. If that is the case, then it means there is something else to netting the men of means. It begins with your personal resolution.


  1. Make yourself appealing

Making yourself attractive is a deliberate act. This presupposes that you have to be attractive looking. Look in the sex or lifestyle magazines, or study other ladies that have been described as sexy, they do not always have the most expensive clothisng or accessories on; instead, they go for those ones that accentuate their physique. You have got to know where the strength of appeal lies – waist, hips, eyes, boobs, etc – and find a way of enhancing and projecting it for maximum effect.

  1. Be valuable

You would need to understand, and in fact master his terrain, if you would deserve his attention. Though many other ladies may tend to flock around, but he most likely would have time for that single one, who understands the dynamics of his thoughts, and business interests. Occasionally roll with him on how one could make the best in that line of business, and you most certainly would attract attention, in fact preference. If need be, be the one to run that small errand that could bring about a huge financial return.

  1. Be there for him

This is related with the point above but it is not exactly the same. Without cheapening yourself, you could win an inch further into his life by being there when he most likely needs it.

If he likes to talk for example, you probably would need to be a conservationist, but keep it in moderation. In other words, do not want to lead. Show sufficient interest in whatever he broaches, understand the train of thoughts and come in when necessary. But them be sure not betray the character of a gold digger.



  1. Appear before him as a lady of class

If you do not stand out, no matter where, how do you intend to net him? Classy in this sense means meeting their tastes, be it in terms of fashion, behavioral etiquettes or speech. Whatever you say, and how you say it, should be able to suit him, and this suffices from good background checks.

  1. Be different, strikingly different indeed

If you look, speak and behave like any other lady around, how would you be noticed. In cities for example, ladies with homely upbringing, could be difficult to find. From investigation, a touch of feminine homeliness could mark you. Homely ladies sometimes tend to be very accommodating, industrious, virtuous and seemingly naïve. All of these could be part of the bargain, especially if you have natural innocence” around you.


Note: there is no fit it all approach to attracting rich men. Perhaps you may want to share with us your perspective.


-To be continued

-Featured image courtesy of Business Insider
