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Government Issues Red Card To Street Traders In..



Red Card To Street Traders

Government Issues Red Card To Street Traders In..- Street trading has become the mainstay of a lot of people, across many Nigerian cities and communities, in some cases, the life wire of entire households.

Along commercial roads and business areas, mothers and children, sometimes too, fathers, take to street trading to be able to feed and afford other household needs.

However, street trading also has its other negative sides.


Aside causing hold ups, promoting crime, and dirt, street trading is also usually accused of causing litter and dirty environments.

With all these, those involved in street trading for livelihood must have to stir clear of Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

The state government has come out to tell them that it would no longer be business as usual: it has given notice of arresting and prosecuting those who indulge in street trading there.


The warning was issued today, by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Mrs Modupe Adeleye, during a sensitisatio programme of market men and women in Ibadan.

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On what was the possible reason for the red card to street traders,  Mrs Adeleye said government had a responsibility of keeping the environment cleaner and hygienic, and that the practice of street trading was not allowing those to happen.

Another aim she said was to safeguard lives and property within the neigbourhood, as street trading promoted crime


She said: “Government has put in place some major efforts especially by engaging a waste management company, in tackling the menace of waste/refuse”, adding that the government was also concerned about the issue of illegal waste dumping as it was not dirtying the city

To be able to ensure this cleanliness of the environment, she informed that the task force set up by the ministry would be resolute and uncompromising in enforcing the law against road side/street trading.

According to her, traders must adhere to the laws in their interest.


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She equally called for collaboration between the state government and other stakeholders towards ensuring that the laws on the environments worked.

Traders, road transport unions and other such agencies and bodies have been urged to collaborate with the government towards freeing the streets of Ibadan of hawkers.

