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Financial Breakthrough Guaranteed Following These Ten Steps



Financial Breakthrough

Guaranteed financial breakthrough is possible once we are ready for it. It only require an understanding of how, and also willingness to follow through some tested steps.

Some call it nuggets of financial breakthrough, Nuggets of financial success or tips for financial breakthrough. Point is, they have worked for others and would work for you once you are willing to follow through: We present to you: tested steps to guaranteed financial breakthrough.

Have the right vision  


Every good thing of life starts with a vision.  So to have guaranteed financial breakthrough, you must have the right vision.  What is a vision? It is simply a picture of a destination made real in the present. When God, the Almighty Creator wants to advance a people, He communicates it as s vision. The vision is a framework, an architecture that guides a building. Ref: Prov 29: 18: where there is no vision…

So, begin with envisioning guaranteed financial breakthrough first and foremost.

Write it down


No matter how fertile your mind, it helps to put down in black and white, your plans. It may be skelectal at the outset, but not only are you able to keep it fresh in your mind when you write down your vision of guaranteed financial breakthrough, the written vision provides you a basis for diligent and wise work to help materialize this.

The wiring down aspect acts as regular reminder and fires you on, when you want to lose focus or become discouraged. Also, periodic review of your game plan becomes easier when there is a template of target.

Pray about it all


Believe it or not, prayer has its place in the successes of people and organisations. All the principles of business or personal success are underpinned in scripture.

And testimonies abound of feats achieved, not by the might of man, but through the avenue of prayer.

Adopt a strategy


There is a difference between working towards saving N1 million and N10, 000. The bigger the target, the more robust and tight the strategy should be.

Part of it might be cutting down drastically on expenses, like doing totally away with ostentatious tastes and desire.

Wars, football games and administrative challenges are easier won with the deployment of the right strategy.


What do people need? Find out and be willing to give it

Earning income is a function of providing a value or service that people need. Only then can they be willing to part with their hard earned money. Yet, you must have the competence to deliver such after you must have ascertained there is need for that service, product you want to deliver.

READ ALSO: Stop Being Nice If You Want To Be Wealthy, Financially Successful


A young lady residing in the Ilupeju area of Lagos, last year realsed many young couples now residing overseas, had left their elderly ones in several homes around the neigbourhho. These need care and would be willing to pay appreciable money for whoever could provide such service.

But then, could she cope with weak, elderly mums and dads for the fee?

Follow those who know the way


There is hardly any area of endeavor that has not produced its certified billionaires, millionaires or satisfied moderates. Only it actually requires to produce the next billionaire or millionaire is someone willing to swallow their pride and pay the price of servitude.

Permit me, the Igbos appear to understand this principle more. Someone who has spent four years in the university thinks through a vocation of profession, picks an “oga” there and is willing to serve the
Oga for another three or two years. When he should be working earning his own income?

READ ALSO: Covenant Gateways To Financial Dominion, By Bishop David Oyedepo


Well, come back after four years and compare him with his pear who opted to working or standing on so he could be his own boss.

Mentorship does not always mean you have to stay around them, 23/7; it could actually be flexible.



To be continued