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CBN Releases Full List of Licensed Deposit Money Banks



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The Central Bank of Nigeria has released a full list of licensed Deposit Money Banks it licensed to operate in the country.

The publication is coming on the heels of controversies surrounding the legalities and operations of some of the banks.

The apex bank equally indicated whether each bank is international authorisation, national or regional authorization.


Listed in alphabetical order, full list of licensed Deposit Money Banks also shows the operational bases to properly the banking public.

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Banks with international autohorisation, according to the CBN include Access Bank Limited, Fidelity Bank Plc, First City Monument Bank and First Bank Nigeria Limited


It also has Guaranty Trust Bank Limited, United Bank Of Africa Plc and Zenith Bank Plc

On the other hand, commercial banks with national authorisation include Citibank Nigeria Limited, Ecobank Nigeria Limited, Heritage Bank Plc, Globus Bank Limited, Keystone Bank Limited and Polaris Bank Limited.

The full list of licensed Deposit Money Banks for those in the national authorization category also has Stanbic IBTC Bank Limited, Standard Chartered Bank Limited, Sterling Bank Limited, Titan Trust Bank Limited, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc and Unity Bank Plc.


The rest are Wema Bank Plc, Premium Trust Bank Limited and Optimus Bank Limited.

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According to the CBN list, commercial banks operating with regional licenses authorization are Providus Bank Limited, Parallex Bank Limited, Suntrust Bank Nigeria Limited, and Signature Bank Limited.


Those with non-interest banking license with national authorisation are: Jaiz Bank Plc, Taj Bank Limited, Lotus Bank Limited, Alternative Bank Limited.

The CBN also included in the list those with Merchant banking license with national authorisation. They are Coronation, FBN Merchant Bank Limited, FSDH Merchant Bank, Greenwich Merchant Bank Limited, Nova Merchant Bank Limited and Rand Merchant Bank Limited.

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The financial holding companies listed were Access Holdings Plc, FBN Holdings Plc, FCMB Group Plc, FSDH Holding Company Limited, Guaranty Trust Holding Company Plc, Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, and Sterling Financial Holdings Limited.