Two Days To Go On Zoom Draw – N2m Up For Grabs

It is two days to go on the Zoom Draw, the N2million initiative of Mr P of Psquare, a project which now on its second edition.
Four lucky winners will be getting N500, 000 each at end of the draw.
According to Mr P, Zoom draw is a charitable work and a way of giving back to his fans thereby helping to lift their standard of living.
The Zoom draw has been scheduled for once in a month, and on how to register for the bonanza, one needs to go on the website www.zoomlife.com and pay a token fee of 500 hundred naira to get started.
The four lucky winners of last months and first edition were Afuye Ayorinde, Nwaobiora Eberechukwu, Nzegwu Azogini and Ezenwa Adobi (DOBIS).
Indeed Mr Peter Okoye is a man of big heart and real role model to many ,for his appreciation and feelings of people at all times.