Mother Of 5, Dies Of Coronavirus, Leaving Behind Miracle Quadruplets

They have always been a bundle of joy to anyone beholding them, not only because they are adorable quadruplets but also because their births were miraculous and always stirred warm emotions within and beyond the neighborhood.
Now, the reality is that they may have entered a very unpredictable and difficult phase of their lives, reason being that the woman who brought them forth and has been seeing to their wellbeing all these while has died.
Even the circumstance of her death is itself heart-rending-: she had attended a wedding ceremony in Pakistan and if she had thought to enjoy it, had another thought coming, in that it was while there that she was struck down by coronavirus, just five days into the trip.
39 year old Shabnum Sadiq, worked as a ‘dedicated’ Councillor representing the Labour party, in Slough Borough in South East England Region of the United Kingdom. She died on Monday following Covid-19 complications.
Though immediate relations were not readily available for comments, family friend and fellow Wexham Lea Labour Representative Cllr Haqeeq Dar says Shabnum was battling to breathe on a ventilator for 24 days before her death.

Shabnum Sadiq leaves behind miracle quadruplets Maheen, Zareen, Haider and Zayan who are now 13; courtesy Daily Mail UK
Shabnum Sadiq leaves behind miracle quadruplets Maheen, Zareen, Haider and Zayan who though are now 13, can’ t really be sure to paddle their lives without mummy’s input.
He said: ‘It’s a great loss. She was a colleague and very hard working councillor who always put herself forward. She was a fighter and fought for 24 days on a ventilator which is a long time.
‘Cllr Sadiq was always up for it with a smile. She made your day by just being there which made a difference to a lot of people’s lives. She was always active but it’s just one of those things. It’s a tragedy. She only went to attend a wedding in early March on a short eight day trip.
‘But she never came back. She was only there for five days when she contracted the virus. I just can’t believe that she’s gone.’
On June 26 2006, Shabnum gave birth to quadruplets by planned Caeserean section, beating 729,000-to-one odds to produce naturally conceived quadruplets.
The surprising news came despite a polycystic ovary syndrome diagnosis leaving her fearing she might not even be able to have any more children.
But she has beaten odds of 729,000 to one to produce naturally conceived quads.
Shabnum had been elected to the Wexham Lea ward in May 2016, serving on various council committees.
The 39-year-old had also been lead member for education and children’s services in Slough, Berkshire.
Councillor James Swindlehurst, leader of the council, said: ‘This is very shocking for all of us and our thoughts are with her family and friends.+3
Shabnum had been elected to the Wexham Lea ward in May 2016, serving on various council committees
‘Shabnum was a dedicated councillor and despite only being in her first term, she had made a contribution far beyond the years she’d spent in the council chamber.
‘We worked together closely and personally I will miss her very deeply. This is a significant loss for the council and the town, but is nothing compared to the loss her family, close friends and community are feeling right now.
‘This has brought home to us that not only is this virus something we have to deal with as a town, but also personally; through our work, through our actions and through our grief for those it has taken.
‘Behind every statistic about this virus is a family ripped apart and there is no starker example of that, to us in the council, than to lose one our colleagues.
‘May she rest in peace and her family find comfort in the love she had for them all.’
Shabnum is survived by her husband and five children.
The flags at council offices Observatory House and St Martins Place are flying at half mast as a sign of respect.
Initial report: Daily Mail
Esohe Iyare
July 24, 2020 at 12:37 pm
On facebook, a mother posted a picture of her third baby with the caption ‘many more to come by God’s grace’; and the comment section was rife with responses which, more or less, were screaming the scandalized question: isn’t three ENOUGH?
It has become a norm to associate large families with poverty and illiteracy, whilst smaller numbers (3 and less) are casually nodded at as a sign of literacy and forward thinking. This is because every learned person should have, in their studies of Economics, come across the Malthian Theory (1798) and the concept of the Earth’s overpopulation.
Put briefly, the theory posits that the Earth’s population will surpass its available resources, especially food production. Such exponiential levels of consumption, according to proponents, is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a barren earth which can no longer support the human species. Therefore, our race is in danger of extinction.
People have latched onto this theory, claiming it is commonsensical especially in light of the United Nations’ (UN) projection that global population will rise by one billion every 15years; and the world hunger and poverty crises as well. “If we were less” They reason “there would be enough of everything to go around and no one would be destitute”.
The remarkable resolution of such thinking is a movement termed ‘Zero Population Growth’, in which every woman is encouraged to have two children, so that when her and her husband die, the population would remain as stable as it was when they themselves were children. This is why many people see three children as the limit of responsible procreation.
A major criticism of the reasoning behind this movement is that it discounts other factors that can affect population such as: lifestyle, war and pandemics. The first is obvious in the case of Japan, whose reproductive population (roughly 15-44yrs) considers marriage and procreation much less desirable compared to an independent life; the second can be verified by pointing to Russia’s population pyramid; but the last seemed so unlikely in the age of astronomical science and modern medicine that not even an eyelash quivered in its direction. Yet, here we are.
The coronavirus pandemic has single-handedly debunked the ‘overpopulation theory’ as the myth that it is. Not many took notice of the 10year old website, http://www.overpopulationisamyth.com, dedicated to disproving the flawed constructions on which this myth was built; but maybe now they will. Because the ultimate proof this pandemic has provided, is the illustration that what people decry as ‘global overpopulation’ is actually urban overcrowding.
The countries that have been the worst hit by the virus, are countries that have intensely overcrowded urban areas. Take the United States as an example. America is leading the global case load with over 4million confirmed cases. The greatest percentage of those cases are found in Califonia and New York- which are fantastic examples of urban overcrowding. Less crowded areas in the US territory, like American Samoa have recorded NO cases of corona virus; and what’s more?This is not the first time they’ve been safe during a pandemic, they also lived through the 1918 influenza pandemic rather well. You may think that’s because American Samoa is an Island, but cities like it in the US mainland like Wyoming have reported only 3 cases, Alaska and North Dakota have just 1 each, and West Virginia has none!
If we hover our spectacles over our own country we’ll realise that the reason behind Lagos’ exponential rise in number of cases can also be linked to the fact that Lagos is the most overcrowded city in Africa, due to rural-urban migration and immigration.
Here’s one last example to drive the point home. In India, when residents of the overcrowded urban areas were feeling the economic pinch of the pandemic, there was such a massive exodus that according to the Financial Times: desperate migrants crammed themslelves in the back of container trucks.
Therefore, let it be noted that global overpopulation is a myth. Statistics show that the entire population of the world can comfortably fit on a land mass the size of the US state of Texas, with over 1000 square feet of living area per person–that’s a moderately sized house!
Urban overcrowding is the real problem that needs to be addressed. Effort should be put to develop the vast areas of habitable land to support quality living, rather than puffing the smoke of overpopulation misconstructions to fog the thinking ‘screen’ of the public.
zainab mahmoud
April 8, 2020 at 9:50 pm
May Allah SWT grant her jannatil firdaus ameen.
Enwerem goodness
April 8, 2020 at 10:24 am
Soo sorry 😂😂😭