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5 University Courses You Should Study To Become Hot Cake



Of all the fields of study available in universities both at home and abroad, today, we have picked out 5 university courses you should study to become hot cake.

Because they solve problems, and help advancement of society, those who study them are always in hot demand.  Here are the courses and the reasons the will make you a hot cake.

  1. STEM science: You must have heard the expression: science rules the world. It is because, much of man’s ability to conquer nature and stay ahead of competition come via the avenue of scientific application. And when you think in that line, STEM science naturally come to mind.

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STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Ostensibly, the four go hand in hand. STEM study therefore is a grouping of key and related areas of study that can play key roles in the scientific quests of nations, hence most of them are now prioritising it.

Individually, they are good courses, and even more robust, bundled as a single discipline. You will agree that there is hardly any aspect of contemporary development that does not borrow from STEM. Study it and you have placed yourself on the highway of lucrative employment and career engagement STEM science is one of 5 university courses you should study to become hot cake.

Courses You Should Study To Become Hot Cake

Students in a Robotics Lab.
Picture courtesy of promotheus

  1. Education: There are courses to study and you would not be making a mistake, Education courses are it. It is not everybody that can deliver systematic teaching, either to individuals or groups. From the kindergarten to the university however, systemic teaching, as imbedded in the Education curriculum help bring out best in learners. That is Education for you, a powerful driver of educational curriculums beyond just producing teachers. It is foundational to all formal learning generationally, has a wide application and remains a trigger to socio-economic development. A good education graduate is never out of job, but much more a hot cake in societies with right priorities.
  2. Robotics

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There is no question about the increasing relevance of robotics in our everyday life. Robots are necessary in complimenting and sometimes totally taking over tasks performed by humans. In basic production, service delivery and technological applications, Robotics is critical being a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots.

These are intelligent machines that can greatly compliment man in the handling of his daily chores. It could run like an application in your gadget, given human form to executive tasks physically etc, but in all, the job is better and more cost effectively done. Today, everybody is talking about artificial intelligence: this is embedded in the application of robots. Robotics is in the 5 courses you should study to become hot cake. It is in increasing demand and pays megabucks.

Courses You Should Study To Become Hot Cake

Illustrative picture courtesy of Linkedin

  1. Coding: there was a time when almost everybody who desired to advance their careers and relevance in the office latched on basic computing. Today, coding appears to have assumed that class. In fact, it has become one of the favoured brides of job-seeking and ambitious professionals. It simply is about the study of codes and their properties for specific applications. And if you have your jotter, list coding as of 5 university courses you should study to become hot cake, the hows of which we would explore in subsequent discussions on the topic. READ ALSO: Thinking Of Study Scholarships In The United States?
  2. Actuarial Science: It is one course students run away from in the university, because of its disciplined nature. It encompasses statistics, finance, mathematics, probability theory, economics, financial accounting and computer science in its delivery. These combine to build the student for what to face upon joining the job place – not only very competitive places, but also highly playing one. Once any course can equip you with the wherewithal to solve nagging problems for organisations, governments and institutions, be sure it is preparing you for lucrative appointments. Actuarial Science is like that, a reason many Universities make it a five year programme.

It ranks in or 5 university courses you should study to become hot cake, also because you can always get jobs using your understanding of its allied subject areas, if not Actuarial science itself.

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