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Video: This Lunatic Can Make You Win #m Betting Jackpot



Video: This Lunatic Can Make You Win #m Betting Jackpot

By Cami Ezenwa

Have you ever thought about winning a betting jackpot with numbers released by a lunatic?

It is immaterial whether your interest is lotto, pools or normal bet, all you need is strike the right mood in Adi Nwaonuoha, a famous lunatic from Amakohia Ubi, in Umunwoha, west side of Owerri.


That right mood is easier with many green bottles positioned singly before his front, or a full carton of his favourite beer brand in fact, even if he had covered a reasonable distance of his regular route, the Obibi-Orie Ogbaku road, the mention or waving of a crate of bear is enough to make a quick turn.

Adi holds court, many eager to take down winning numbers

Adi holds court, many eager to take down winning numbers

But he doesn’t get into his crystal ball gazing ritual right away. He would take his time, and he lets you know that getting any good out of life, including a betting jackpot does not come easy.

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Adi Nwaonuoha, as most lunatics, is fully uncanny in his ways. Despite the thick dirt that his clothes had gathered and the rastafarian style hair, and nails that have grown fully wide, proves the point that wisdom does not reside with the mentally sane.


Not one to be stampeded into gazing into his crystal balls, scribbling out those life-transforming numbers could take literal eternity, but those who know difficult it is to get Adi to branch off his journey, are usually ready to wait And as he takes his seat, he does not go straight holding court, but would rather wait to see how generous you could be with those bottles.

Near guage: beer in hand, Adi takes to the dance floor

Near guage: beer in hand, Adi takes to the dance floor

Right in the presence of our correspondent, Adi gulped down five bottles on a stretch and it didn’t seem anything had happened.

“But it is yet to gauge”, he blurted out to those trying to stampede him for winner numbers.

He had created a circle before and head tilted to the right was stealing gazes at that circle whether someone had redeemed the moment – provided more green bottles.


It was a full crate that landed instead and by the time Adi heard the heavy thud on the ground, he sprang up like an excited lion.

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“He ha, kwenu! Kwenu!!”,he began to greet characteristically, turning his right into an imaginary sword, instantaneously slicing the air to his front, to right and to the left .


The hitherto sobber Adi had become a frenzied masquerade, running circles and turns, applauded at every move by the crowd that had gathered.

The ritual for the eventual release of betting jackpot had begun.

Victory laughter tapering on his broad chin, he never for one moment removed his eyes from the green crate.


News of his presence spread fast and many more people had gathered to hear him first-hand. Many had things to take down numbers on. Others created sufficient space to enable them scribble on the mud.

And for the next 45 minutes, Adi Nwaonuoha held court, the full crate of beer losing its green bottles at intervals.

By now, many numbers had become manifest through Adi’s gibberish, but a challenge was soon to set on: how to pick out real numbers for the betting jackpot from the others that were mere addendums.
