Toyin Kawojue: Painful Exit Of A Patriot

It is a sober moment for the entire Epe Community. Yet again, the community is forced to go through another moment of grief, with the sudden and agonising departure of a rare gem and illustrious son of the community, Alhaji Toyin Kawojue.
Until his death, a veteran Yoruba broadcaster on LTV8 as well as Radio Lagos where he was anchor of the popular programme, Eko Lawa, Alhaji Toyin Kawojue’s death, filtered into town on Saturday.
Information reaching us is that he died of an undisclosed illness, but pray,what kind of illness for somebody I saw 2 weeks ago at the 2nd Biennial Congress of Epe Grammar School.
He was not at the event just to show his face, but was actually one of the recipients of the Leadership awards, and yet anchored the programme at no cost to the organisers.
He actually sought to set up an appointment to come and see me at my convenience, and now this!
How I knew that that was the last time I would see him alive, I probably would have set aside everything else to make that meeting possible.
But first, I would have hugged him warmly and a little closer, and let him know how much I loved him.
I would have, on behalf of the Epe community, expressed appreciation for all his service to the community, graciously agreeing each time and emceeing the community’s events at no costs whatsoever.
What a loss! What a disappointment that such an opportunity never came.
How more uncertain can life be than what has unfolded before us, with the agonising realization that Alhaji Toyin Kawojue is no more.
Oh death! how more cruel can you be..
Death, Why Toyin?
Why him at the prime of his life ?”
Oh Lord! Why did you deprive our community one of its pillars.
The man in question was an embodiment of everything good.
He epitomised excellent virtues.
God, you ordained and commanded him to live well and he did.
He lived an exemplary life.
He lived righteously.
He was a devout Muslim, and charitable to a fault.
He was humble, not a smoker, neither a drinker nor a womaniser.
He lived s moderate and contended life. Yet,you snatched him away from us.
He loved his community, and walked the Epe walk
He danced the Epe dance, and breathed its breath
He wore Epe garments with pride and dignity, a proud citizen of the community.
What is more, he also died in Epe
What an irreparable loss
He had so many dreams and aspirations. Now all those dreams will remain unrealized, unfulfilled, and perpetually extinguished.
This is one death too many, one loss that makes you ask questions.
And to wonder as to what is in this life any way?
If anything at all, it is that life is not a guarantee.
But a fragile and unpredictable space
Life is just vanity upon vanity.
In his sudden departure, Alhaji Toyin Kawojue leaves lessons:
If you have an opportunity to reach out anyone with help, do so now without any procrastination.
For who knows what the next moment brings!
What will now be the fate of EpeLawa, a platform that has always been used to place our community on a world view?
Not just Epe, it is also a huge loss within the Ambsam family?
O lord, we are not in any way questioning your authority. We know you are the giver and taker of life but why Toyin?
What is left for the living to do? For now, it is to rise up and give him a befitting burial, which would be done according to Muslim rites.
And then begin to adjust to the reality that we will not have an opportunity to hear the voice of this broadcaster of Epe extraction, with deep insight into the issues he handled, these delivered in his grip of the Yoruba language.
Adieu Toyin. The community mourns not just you, but your impactful 64 years on earth.