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Top Requirements For Work Visas To Netherlands



Top Requirements For Work Visas To Netherlands

The Government of the Netherlands has opened its borders to foreign citizens to apply for work visas as companies are on the hiring spree.

Foreign workers who want to stay in the Netherlands for more than three months must apply for a GVVA.

In general, licenses are needed to work in the Netherlands for those from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

A tewerkstellingsvergunning (work permit) and a gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA), which is an acronym for a combined residence and work permit, are the two types of permits available.


Only the following scenarios allow an employer to hire someone from outside the EEA and Switzerland:

The employer is unable to locate a qualified applicant from Switzerland or an EEA nation;

The position has been vacant for at least three months or five weeks, and it is challenging to fill. Whether a position is challenging to fill is determined by the UWV.


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The employer has made every effort to locate a worker from Switzerland, the Netherlands, or the EEA.

While some categories of foreign employees demand a GVVA or TWV, others may have less onerous application requirements. This rule applies to the following people:

  • Interns
  • Asylum seekers who work up to 24 weeks over 52 weeks
  • Spiritual leaders, such as ministers, imams, and clerics
  • Nuns, monks, or missionaries
  • Students
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