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The Most Dangerous RATs of 2022



The Most Dangerous RATs of 2022

Have you been looking at rats as ordinary rodents that run at the sight of man?

You may not totally be right, as species of rats have been identified to be very dangerous.

In the ICT world, there is the RAT known as Remote Access Trojan, which is the most potent and potentially harmful weapon a hacker might employ against a computer or mobile phone device.

These viruses can spread in many ways, but here are the riskiest ones discovered over the past year.


“Stitch”, by Nathan Lopez

This is a fantastic remote access tool for various platforms. It is written in Python 2, which works with almost any computer system in existence. This facilitates simple client connections and simple server deployment, expanding your bot network.

It supports the following functionalities on MacOS, Linux, and Windows:

Command and file auto-completion
Antivirus detection
Able to turn off/on display monitors
Hide/unhide files and directories
View/edit the hosts file
View all the systems environment variables
Keylogger with options to view status, start, stop and dump the logs onto your host system
View the location and other information of the target machine
Execute custom python scripts which return whatever you print to screen
Virtual machine detection
Download/Upload files to and from the target system
Attempt to dump the systems password hashes
Payloads’ properties are “disguised” as other known programs

“NullRAT”, by NullCode1337

NullRAT, a unique kind of RAT in that it is used via a social media network called Discord, is another project that merits note. In essence, it’s a server-type service where you can communicate with your pals, except in this instance, you’re talking to a bot instead of a human.


A full list of commands can be found by typing `/` ===

+ Find all present victims at real time [/listvictims]
+ Kill any running task that isn’t Admin [/kill_runningtasks]
+ Take pictures using victim’s webcam [/get_webcam]
+ Take screenshot of victim’s monitor [/get_screenshot]
+ Get victim’s system information [/get_systeminfo]
+ Get victim’s clipboard text history [/get_clipboard]
+ Send files/payloads to victim’s PC [/sendfiles]
+ Receive files from victim’s PC [/receivefiles]
+ Run any sent payloads quickly [/runfile]
+ Find any environment variables [/get_environment]
+ Add executable to startup with one command [/startup]
+ Decrypt the new encrypted Discord Tokens and upload them [/discord_tokens]
+ Check the decrypted Discord Tokens and upload all user info [/discord_checked]
+ Directly upload Discord Tokens from 10+ application paths [/raw_tokens]
+ Find WIFI SSIDs [/wifilist] and passwords [/wifipass] in victim’s PC
+ Hide files [/hidefile] or unhide files [/unhidefile] in victim’s PC
+ Shutdown the RAT elegantly using the modern [/shutdown] commands
+ Execute CMD commands & Powershell commands [/cmd] [/powershell]
+ Check the user tokens and upload all user info: [/checked_tokens]
– Username, Tag and ID
– Email Address
– Phone Number
– Nitro Status
– Billing Info Status

+ Find victim’s geographic information [/get_geolocation]
– Country
– City
– Region
– Zip Code
– Google Maps Link

+ Directory manipulation commands:
– [/get_currentdir]
– [/set_currentdir]
– [/list_directory]


+ List any form of running tasks in victim’s PC:
– [/list_runningtasks]

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“The Fat Rat”, by Screetsec

This is undoubtedly one of the most well-liked hacking projects on Github, with 7k stars and thousands of forks. This RAT was updated only a few months ago, has a ton of features, and is simple to install. Here are a few characteristics that set it apart:


Fully Automating MSFvenom & Metasploit.
Local or remote listener Generation.
Easily Make Backdoor by category Operating System.
Generate payloads in Various formats.
Bypass anti-virus backdoors.
File pumper that you can use for increasing the size of your files.
The ability to detect external IP & Interface address.
Automatically creates AutoRun files for USB / CDROM exploitation

 Basically, this thing avoids anti-virus on specific configurations, integrates with Metasploit, which is insanely useful if you’re familiar with the program, develops backdoors in seconds, generates a ton of various payload kinds, and can even transform into a worm.

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