The Art Of Learning To Let Go And Finding Inner Peace

Learning to let go does not mean giving up responsibility for your life. It doesn’t mean becoming passive and not going after your dreams. Letting go is not about dimming your light, or silencing your passions.
It’s about finding peace and clarity and understanding that not everything in life is meant to work out and in order to make room for the things that are, you must let go of the things that don’t.
It’s respecting the power of your focus and your energy because when used properly, you have the ability to make your dreams come true and find real happiness.
-Finding inner peace –
Learn to let go of toxic obsessions and what you can’t control, because once you do, you’ll introduce yourself to a whole new world filled with peace, happiness, and realised dreams.
Our intentions, from the moment we’re born, are pure. The unshakable desire to help others in need is a time-proven reflex, whether for family, friends, or a stranger on the street. There is nothing evil about our nature until we make it so.
But what happens when we can no longer help the ones we love? Can we see when our burden is too heavy to carry?
We make ourselves believe that being selfless is an act of generosity from a big heart. Maybe that’s true.
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Where we fail is when we cannot make ourselves believe that walking away is sometimes in the best interest of the only person who matters: OURSELVES!!! It is the step to finding inner peace.