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Stop Being Nice If You Want To Be Wealthy, Financially Successful



How to be wealthy

How to be wealthy 

By Cami Ezenwa – Certain morals need to be re-visited, placed in better perspective, in fact totally revised as not to gourd the un-weaned to a personal destruction.

One of it is creating the impression that niceness or being good is pre-requisite to making it. If anything, it is in being brash, selfish and downright arrogant that does it. As starter, do a mental count of those who have made it big, you would agree they all have these attributes of arrogance in quantum.

How to be wealthy

Cami Ezenwa

Or, what percentage of those you’ve seen at the apex of leading conglomerates within your professional or industrial class, would you say are nice in the true meaning of that expression? They are all rather brash men and women.

You would rather hear and witness the tales of brute men and women; arrogant and sullen divisional heads driving out the nuts from their subordinates’ heads, because they’ve got some targets to meet, and most times they do, even if,  at the expense of your sense of dignity and emotional peace.


Their commitments to meeting targets become a refrain now and again, irrespective of what and how you feel about it.

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And how about the other side? Eternally careful not to ruffle any shoulders, ever considerate as not to step on any toes?  That kind of etiquette is least to lift anyone out of poverty, being incapable of achieving the much desired soar-away result. Neither does it, by any stretch of imagination, tear the path of real career breakthrough.

it appears to be nastiness, a good degree selfishness, well, purpose-driven selfishness that does the magic anytime the chips are down.


These much were the grand undertone, as a matter of fact, the consensus at a recent session of The Eagle Corporate Communications Master Class.

It was the Clinic Segment, when the floor is usually available for any participant with an insight to share, so I had to sit in now like a participant myself, rather than the facilitator, when this fellow’s interjections hit all like a baseball bat.

He was reacting to a remark, by one of the female participants, who had just admonished with the necessity for corporate communications officers to show great respect to subordinates when addressing them as not to deny them their self-esteem.


“Forget it guys”, this impressively tall guy cut in:  “niceness is a drawback when you have a target to deliver!”, a declaration that got all eyes, instantaneously turned to the back where he was seated.

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He had brought to the training, an awesome confidence, buoyed up by, not just costly apparels, but the fact that he was of the Corporate Communications department of a Nigerian Tier One bank.

“In the first two months of joining the bank, I almost resigned because I believed and had been weaned in the principles of the so-called being nice even while wielding authority, totally the opposite of my boss’s vibes.


“She was brash with anyone and would tell you to your face the company was not a church, certainly not a charity. ‘f you want to be nice, go join the pastorate or the orphanage’, she would readily slam us.

“I can never forget a day she nastily tore a script one of us had presented her for approval. It wasn’t just that she tore the script, but the much fuzz she made about the whole slip, shouting and drawing attention from other units….

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“Success at any task is about achieving targets and whatever will make you achieve set targets is welcome. That is the mantra that I know in this competitive environments”, he kept insisting.


I guess everyone, including yours sincerely as facilitator, left that session, reconsidering our positions and convictions prior. For the attendees, you could see, they had been startled, tremendously jolted…

How to be wealthy

The Eagle Corporate Communications & Media Relations class in session

I too, at the break, sat aside awhile, thinking over one’s career, albeit, how obviously one had carried on all these while, sometimes wearing attitudes that border on seriousness, leaving many things to chance and affirming that things would work out fine.


As a matter of fact, “tomorrow is another day” is usually our consolation note, unlike our friend from the bank, who insisted the only certain day was today. ..and that any executive who handles an opportunity, any chance at all with levity, believing to do better next time, had dealt his career success the greatest blow of its life.


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For him, there is no guarantee for the tomorrow. Rather, give to the challenge of the moment, the greatest effort you could ever muster, the greatest time, the greatest attention, the greatest seriousness and the greatest grit required to succeed at it….READ ASO: Why Petroleum Union Workers In Lagos Are Set To Shutdown

With a few moments’ admonition, the young man had flattened every ego; he dismantled the theory of being nice, replacing it with that of being brash, insolent, and never giving accommodation to “human feelings” when you have targets to deliver and when you need that promotion or recognition that would launch you to the category of premium staffer with mega income and allowances.



Dear reader,

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ubong Thompson

    November 5, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    Fantastic script with insightful steps.
    Nothing emotional should interfere while on duty calls at the expense of achieving success and creating wealth .

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