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She Was On Her Way To Her Grandmother When The Man Dragged Her Into A Maize Field



Maize Field

She must have been full of enthusiasm visiting her grandmother, but just by a maize field in the neighbourhood, something unexpected happened.

A man she never knew accosted her.

Just six, there was no way she could resist a 35-year old man already overtaken by such demonic passion.


He pounced on the innocent and had carnal knowledge of her before releasing her to continue on her journey.

The victim’s mother was surprised to see the culprit come visiting her later in the evening to check if the girl had arrived safely.

But for all those deeds, a First Grade Magistrates Court has now sentenced Vincent Andrea to 14 years in jail with hard labour.


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Andrea hails from Chikwana Village in the Traditional Authority of Likoswe in Chiradzulu district.

The Magistrate court, located in that locality of Malawi has now sentenced the r@pist.


Chiradzulu police public relations officer Constable Cosmas Kagulo identified the convict as Vincent Andrea.

Kagulo said the court heard through state prosecutor Inspector Spenard Chankoma from Chiradzulu Police Station that the incident happened during the afternoon hours of March 26, 2023.

That was when the victim met Andrea, reports Malawi24.


Though arriving home safely after her ordeal, it was two days later that the victim began to feel the full weight of what she went through.

She started complaining of feeling pain when urinating, and upon interrogation, narrated what happened to her.

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That was when the alarmed mother reported the incident to the Village Headman and later to the Police.

With a referral letter to Chiradzulu District Hospital for medical examimation, it was confirmed that she had been defiled.

When paraded in the court over the matter that happened at the maize field, Andrea reportedly pleaded not guilty, and this prompted the state to parade witness to prove the matter beyond reasonable doubts.


He was later, however, to plead for leniency, saying that he was a first offender.

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Inspector Chamkoma, however urged the court to slam the convict with stiffer punishment saying the offence is serious in nature.


Concurring, while passing his sentence, First Grade Magistrate Smart Maruwasa, stated that offences of the nature had become rampant in the country. He handed down a 14-year prison sentence with hard labour on the culprit, for his offence by the maize field saying it would serve a deterrent.