Pictures Of One Of Africa’s Worst Despots You May Not Have Seen

It is difficult, almost impossible to talk about the African country of Zimbabwe and not talk about Robert Gabriel Mugabe, who at a point before death, was Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Mugabe.
Though born to a poor Shona family in Kutama, in then Southern Rhodesia on February 21, 1924, Mugabe rose to national consciousness and political leadership, through a mixture of grit, anger, determination and some would add graft.
He was ideologically an African nationalist, but during the 1970s and 1980s, identified as a Marxist–Leninist, and as a socialist after the 1990s, with people like the Cuban strongman, Fidel Castro, and former late Lybian dictator, Muamah Gadhafi as some of his heroes.
He served as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987 and then as President from 1987 to 2017, before his eventual death at the Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore on 6 September 2019 at about 10:40 am,
Here, we share with you, some of the pictures of this phenomenon of a politician that you may not have seen.

..With his first wife, Sally, during an event in Salisbury in 1980. The pair were married until Sally died in 1992. They had one son, who died at age 4.Jean-Claude

15 April 2020

Mugabe abandones his Savile Row and safari suits in favour of brightly coloured attire emblazoned with his face on the campaign trail.

..Speaks to the press in Geneva in 1976. The following year he was elected president of ZANU-PF and commander-in-chief of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army

..In the days of the liberation struggle against white rule

With foremost African Nationalist, Nelson Mandela after the South African leader’s arrival in Harare in 1998 (Picture AP)

During his first years in office, he was feted by leaders across the world, including Cuba’s Fidel Castro, who visited the country in 1986

Mugabe casts his vote in the 2018 Zimbabwe elections.

Mugabe arrives to preside over a student graduation ceremony at Zimbabwe Open University in November 2017

..With the daughter at her graduation

Mugabe is seen with Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in New Delhi in 1983.Jean-Claude Francolon Gamma-Rapho Getty Images

US$9.9 million (R138-million) Zimbabwe mansion

..Good time with Grace

..moment of mourning