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Nigeria – The Way To Greatness… By NELSON NSIKAN




For Nigeria to be a great nation, there are certain prerequisites for us as citizens of the country.

We must be willing to perform our civic responsibilities. And although there are many dimensions to this, we the citizens must first respect anything that represents or symbolizes Nigeria, for example, the Nigerian flag.

For Nigeria to earn that respect and be a source of pride and confidence to the black people of the world and for African to be respected by the world, we Nigerians must have respect for the Nigerian flag.


We the citizen of Nigeria must work the talk of our National Anthem. We must arise as a nation to serve our fatherland with love and strength and faith. The labour of our heroes past for a great Nigeria, shall never be in vain in our time. One nation we must have bound in freedom of all tribes, peace and unity we stand.

God help our youth the truth to know today that they have the power to turn things around for a great Nigeria to come, by voting.

Let the youth to know that the power of vote is bigger than any politician. We the people must wake up from our slumber.


We must bring Nigeria to that point of the ultimate spirit of football ” Unity and togetherness” for us to go far as a country to achieve the goal and objectives of our heroes past for Nigeria to be one of the great nation in the world.

Corruption must be crucified on the cross of honesty for Nigeria to be better again.

We must do away with religious differences in the country, and also do away with ethnicity – ensuring there is no tribalism in all we do.


Every tribe must see itself as one with others. Nigerian can eradicate ethnicity and create a new Nigeria where Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Ibibio and the rest see themselves as brothers and sisters.

There must be that mutual respect to all. We must love one another, trust one another, be transparent in all we do, equity, justice for all, and the most important, we must have the fear of God because, it will only take God’s love to re- unite us together as one again.

The new system Nigeria must be rebuilt with transparency, equity and fairness to all. We need to do away with negative thinking and also change our orientation.


The youth should know today that they have the power to turn things around for a new Nigeria to come, with their vote. The power of vote is bigger than any politicians.

We must vote in new leaders who have visions for the new rebuild Nigeria. Leaders who have seen the four walls of the classroom down to the university level and above; young leaders with great minds and wisdom to lead Nigeria to stand among the powerful countries in the world.

We must change the way we think during election periods. We should know if we must succeed as a nation, we must vote in strategic thinker leaders who will shift our mentality away from depending on oil alone and make every state have what it’s represent economically in creating wealth to the nation Nigeria.


We the people must Arise, Arise Nigerians, let’s work the talk of our dear National Anthem.

1. Arise, o compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey

To serve our fatherland


With love and strength and faith

The labour of our heroes past

Shall never be in vain


To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.

2. Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause


Guide our leader’s right

Help our youth the truth to know

In love and honesty to grow


And living just and true

Great lofty heights attain

To build a nation where peace and justice


Shall reign.

And so shall it be Amen.

READ ALSO: Please Read This If You Are Interested In Joining The Nigerian Army


We the people must also make a pledge to the new rebuild Nigeria,

National pledge everyone,

I pledge to Nigeria my country


To be faithful, loyal and honest

To serve Nigeria with all my strength

To defend her unity


And uphold her honour and glory

So help me God.

Congratulations everyone, welcome to the new Nigeria.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Christian Effiong

    November 17, 2020 at 11:42 am

    Details well outlined; unity, civic responsibility, banish corruption, respect for the symbol of our identity the way forward
    Good insight.

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