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Nigeria: Plans For Change Without Action Is Nothing



Yanju Uwala: Which way forward for Nigeria?

By Yanju Uwala

During my school days, we did attend forums and seminars where speakers did their best in challenging us to prepare for the future.

They would have handy several examples of people who also made it by first preparing ahead for that future.

One thing that was usually obvious, was that such examples had every reason to be frustrated because of the many challenges they encountered in the course of trying to become people of relevance, but they did not.


Today, we have books written by such people or on them that speak volumes on the subject matter of perseverance; books that we read, believing that the lessons therein could someday and likewise, become the turning point for us .

It’s not that these can’t really happen, if we know what we are doing and also follow laid down examples by these great people; the question is: are we serious about making a change in our lives and making a great decision that will engineer us to a greater future?

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This poser is one that needs to be answered by everyone of us, as it relates with issues bothering us as a country, Nigeria.


Surviving in Nigeria has become even more challenging and the people are asking: where is the leadership?

We keep on saying that Nigeria will be great, be better, will have a new turn-around, will overtake her counterparts; no doubt, these “prayers” are feasible, but are we really serious about making them work? How much are we working towards bringing about these positive changes in our country?

If we crave to make a change out of the bad, rather it keeps on getting worst, is that a means to have a better successful future?

As it relates with reports now, petrol is selling for N1000 at Abuja filling stations, while in some stations, it’s selling for N635, are we getting better or to the other side?

Recently, President Tinubu was reported to have suspend tariffs on foods importation like: Rice, Cereals, Cowpeas, Maize, Wheats, etc, in order to reduce food scarcity within the country, we can that’s a good idea but at same way should we could importing these foods, why not empower our Farmers with Food Security.


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There are still means to ensure that things gets better in our country, it is still possible but don’t let us forget that, “Faith without work is in nothing”, we can keep on praying towards making this happen but we need to also put in some logical actions to get it done, according to what Hebrews 11:1-40, has relayed unto us.

God bless Nigeria. Amen
