Naira To Dollar, Naira To Pound Exchange Rates August
What is the Naira to Dollar and Naira to Pound exchange rates today?
Here, we present a cumulative Naira to dollar, Naira to Pound, as well as the Naira exchange rates in relation to other important global currencies.
Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN)
8/29/2024 US DOLLAR 1597.642 1598.142 1598.642
8/29/2024 POUNDS STER. 2104.7336 2105.3923 2106.051
8/29/2024 EURO 1770.9862 1771.5404 1772.0947
8/29/2024 SWISS FRANC 1887.5733 1888.164 1888.7547
8/29/2024 YEN 11.003 11.0065 11.0099
8/29/2024 CFA 2.6972 2.7072 2.7172
8/29/2024 WAUA 2160.2128 2160.8888 2161.5649
8/29/2024 RIYAL 425.7313 425.8646 425.9978
8/29/2024 DANISH KR 237.4052 237.4795 237.5538
8/29/2024 SDR 2153.9409 2154.615 2155.2891