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Man-U Star, Marcus Rashford Raises Over £20m To Feed Children



Manchester United ace, Marcus Rashford is showing a better way of being a star, by spearheading humanitarian donations for vulnerable children amidst COVID-19.

The fund has swelled up to 20 million pounds, despite having a slow start.

The footballer used his profile to raise the money for FareShare, a charity distributing food to kids who would miss out on free school meals during the pandemic.


Rashford says he’s been flabbergasted at the total amount raised so far. “I think it’s just around £20m now,” explained the England striker.

“It’s a big number.

“At first, the donations were going kind of slow. I put a bit of money in myself, it was at like £50,000, £60,000, and then I just remember two days later it was at £140,000 and something.


“Then a few weeks after that, it was £6million or £7million when some of the bigger companies started coming in.

Literally, just two or three days ago, it reached £20million.“

“We don’t know how long this is going to go on for.”


Rashford says he would have been in the same position as many vulnerable youngsters if COVID-19 had hit during his youth.

“If this would have happened 10 or 15 years ago, it definitely would have affected myself as a kid in the position I was in,” said England striker Rashford.
