Key Reasons Why We Give, Receive, Cherish Awards

There are a million and one reasons we should give, receive and cherish awards, whether we are individuals, groups, organisations or firms
Even if you, as the business owner or team lead is self-propelled and therefore require no incentivised push, remember there are other people down the line, who do.
Any coach or manager worthy of the appellation should know appreciate the point that commendation breeds more hardwork and improved delivery.
Saying thank you either verbally or via a gift can go a long way to sustaining staff loyalty while guaranteeing even higher output.
On the other hand, the lack of appreciation can lower staff morale, and introduce drudgery and negatively affect efficiency and output.
Awards offer your company a leeway to success because achieving results is about working with staff who commit to their tasks and are willing to sacrifice for its success. There must be something in there for them, to act as a tonic.

Why Do People Need To Be Given Awards and Recogntions?
Here are some random values picked by The Eagle correspondent on the values that come from award:
- Awards could help to create awareness about a company’s line of products, services or the value propositions they represent. The awardees see themselves as role models and are willing to pay any price to keep the tag,
- Awards have a way of validating persons, roles, products or processes thereby forcing non-complaint companies, individuals and process to rejig or be left in the lurch. Everybody, including the system is a beneficiary at the end of the day
- Awards are products of valuable reward systems, and people normally go where they are appreciated. And appreciation helps to keep the cycle of commitment rolling
- how do you really measure whether what you are doing is in line? Critical sectors of the economy have umpires whose roles is to validate the work of sector operators.
No one who subscribes to the group is expected to lower the guard; the consequence is ostracisation or denial of membership.
If you are awarded, it thus follow that what you are doing has been validated.
- There aren’t many things as eloquent as awards. You might post the best performance result in your sector, be category leader in terms of quality; your lawns could be cutely kept and your offices a showpiece, but be sure to send a complete message if you have an adornments by trophies and plaques. They are the evidences that you have braced the peak or touched the ceiling.
- There must always be times to clink glasses and show off laurels. Word-of-mouth laurels sometimes sound like self praise. But the citing and indeed sighting of trophies speak more eloquently than words.
- Even when you have left the office, there is something there to remind anyone who desires to know, the quests that have come in the course of your time.
- What do staff members look forward to if there are no awards to cart homE. Salaries, no matter how mouth-watering can at long last, become routine, not so, trophies that may come once in a while, coated, as it were, in silver, gold or even platinum.
Awards and trophies do have their place !
-Picture courtesy: The Guardian