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I Showed Mum Who Is Smarter Between The Two Of Us



I Showed Mum Who Is Smarter

At long last, I showed mum who is smarter between the two of us. Yes, and I think that is the way it should be.

I haven’t said I must take all my decisions at 24, but I should know what I want, and be allowed to do it, but mum won’t allow that.

She would always meddle in my affairs, always poke-nose on matters even way out her way, in short generally close-marking me. And when I say close-mark, it always had to do with, when she sees any girl around me; she would be ready to sit in the frontage, right there beside my doorsteps.


And then, you would hear her muttering and ever clearing her throat even when obviously, there is nothing chocking it. In the last case, she outrightly turned off the ignition of her lady’s motorcycle, returning to the verandah simply because she sensed that I was up to something.

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I had only met Jacinta by the mango tree in front of our neighbor’s compound,  and we were generally talking about admissions and how, even when one was able to make the cut-off mark, he was still not given admission. And then, two of us had to come to the house so she could sight the revision materials I was using.

Mum was no longer in a hurry as she earlier indicated, but now actually joined us in my room asking some off-course questions, but for which the naïve girl generaously obliged her. It only ended when the girl stood and said she was leaving.


What was that? If not that JAMB was messing one up, would she be coming to the hostel even if off-campus to checkmate me.

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There and then, I told myself, someday, i will sit back and say to myself, i showed mum who is smarter between the two of us.

On this particular day, I heard two women in the neigbourhood call out to her as they passed by our compound, heading to the courtyard where they normally held their August meeting.


In the next four minutes or thereabout, she was hastening after them, her dark ladies’ purse tucked in her left armpit. Half way, as she turned and noticed Vero approaching our compound, mum swiftly did a 24 degree turn as if she forgot something in the compound.

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Instantly I knew within me, that mum would not have rest at that meeting, that is, if she did not return to the compound in earnest. This time round, I had already made up my mind, and I just ushered Vero into my room, the first on the left side of our five-room plus a parlour family cottage. I did not want to know, whether mum had continued to her meeting. In fact, the Rebecca I knew would not continue, or if she did, she would leave that meeting in no time, to come and find out whatever.

Well, by the time she did, some twenty minutes after, the girl was already inside and I had locked the door.
