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How To Guarantee A Secure Happy Future (III)



With the way things are going in Nigeria now, how can one guarantee a secure and happy future for himself and his family?

6. Increase Your Circle Of Friends, Socialise

Simply make friends if you aspire to have a secure and happy future, in fact, not just making friends, but taking time and energy to invest in them. Investing in this sense includes both financial, social and therapeutic investments. There is nothing wrong in attending social outings together once in a while


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    There must be times, that you reach out to one friend or another with financial support depending on their season. Your close interaction with them would normally open to you when such a friend is in financial need for example. And when for any reason they are in distress or worry, be around to help them come over it. Not only do you register your importance in their lives, you are sure they would be there for you, when you also need support most.

    7. How About Supporting Charities Or Generally Reaching Out To The Vulnerable


    There is an indescribable feeling of joy when you successfully help out the vulnerable.  Sometime, they do not even have be inmates of an orphanage as the case may be. Someone who was once vibrant and upwardly mobile could become a shadow of themselves once they lose their jobs. Any help rendered to such people could go a long way. you can indeed guarantee a secure and happy future not only for yourself but for others, by reaching out to them with your little surplus.

    These may not be the only ways to guarantee a secure happy future

    1 Comment

    1 Comment

    1. Jimoh Elizabeth Oluwaseyi

      November 13, 2023 at 1:07 pm


      Isn’t it true that no one can ride you except your back is bent.
      However, no one has the right to debar or hinder you from experiencing the life of your dreams except you!

      Considering the present economic downturn in the nation, it has been discovered that the recent recession has gotten a negative effect on the daily welfare of humans in the society.

      It has also been noticed that- humans who are dispatch and flexible with their financial plans tend to adapt comfortably during financial crises, compared to those who are rigid and can’t easily bend to changes in the financial world.

      The latter are usually seen struggling, finding it hard to cope with the abrupt changes in financial isues while exposing such to depression, stress and other forms of mental disorder.

      For those finding it hard to overcome such state of financial instability, they are encouraged to consciously create time to reflect, renew and rejuvinate, enabling such to embrace life enjoyably.

      However, changes should be wholly embraced as humans, since the permanent thing in life is change.
      Hence, it’s advicable for humans not to be so rigid with life but open to learning new skills that would increase multiple streams of income leading to financial freedom.

      Intrestingly, ones ability to adapt quickly to these changes makes life beautiful, and since life is too short to be endured, man needs to be happy, finding fulfilment in his daily affairs, of which finance is pivotal.

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