How Stock Exchange Rated Fidelity Bank On Corporate Governance

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has given an instructive rating of Fidelity Bank PLc in terms of corporate governance, amongst other players in the Nigerian banking sector.
The NSE said Fidelity complies with the highest corporate governance standards, by adhering promptly to all full disclosure requirements and global best practices.
Fidelity Bank is awarded CG+, the highest rank under the Corporate Governance Rating System (CGRS), which screens quoted companies against prescribed best practices and standards.
A review of the latest compliance report showed that Fidelity Bank sustains its highest-ranking rating of CG+, with shareholders and market pundits commending the high corporate standards of the bank.
Head, Listings Regulation Department, NGX Regulation (NGXRegco), Mr. Godstime Iwenekhai, explained that the CGRS was designed to strengthen the governance structures of listed companies and provide a valid basis for discerning investors to differentiate between listed companies on the basis of their compliance with acceptable standards of corporate governance.
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“In our view, corporate governance promotes ethical business practices, transparency and fair competition,” Iwenekhai said.
He pointed out that the special character combination “CG+” underlined compliance with best practices and highest corporate governance standards, which entitle the rated companies to special privileges at the stock market.
Corporate governance compliance at the stock market includes prompt submission of detailed operational results from period to period as required by the market rules, full disclosures of all material and regulated information and accurate rendition of reports and accounts.
Also, compliance includes ensuring that the company’s shares are not encumbered in a way that impinges on free float or number of shares available to the general investing public for efficient price discovery, compliance with all investor-protection safeguards in communication with shareholders and organizing statutory meetings as required among others.
The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) noted that compliance tracker was aimed at maintaining market integrity and protecting the investors, noting that listed companies are required to adhere to high disclosure standards.
“Financial information which is periodic disclosure and on-going material events disclosure should be released to NGX in a timely manner to enable it efficiently perform its function of maintaining an orderly market,” NGX stated, referencing some of the criteria for its corporate governance rating.
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Market experts and shareholders agreed that corporate governance compliance is a major factor in deciding on investing in a public and the safety of such investment.
Managing Director, Arthur Steven Asset Management, Mr. Olatunde Amolegbe, said corporate governance compliance rating is “extremely important” as it indicates to the investing public the quality of compliance of a company to listing requirements.
“As you know, stock prices are driven primarily by available information and the NGX has a minimum level of disclosure expected of quoted companies.
“This disclosure helps the public make qualitative decisions as to the state or performance of the companies they are seeking to invest in.
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“These markers are therefore the initial indicators as to whether the companies are meeting their disclosures and other regulatory obligations or not,” Amolegbe, a former president of Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS), said.