High or Low IQ, What This Funfest Will Do For You

High or low IQ, do you know what this funfest will do for you? More things than one, but first, help you to know where you belong, in terms of your intelligent quotient.
And much more, in a relaxed and fun manner.
Here we go, but please, be disciplined enough to finish responding before checking out the correct answers.
A Which creature rests only 15 minutes?
- Elephant
- Rat
- Ant
B. Which colour is globally considered a symbol of peace?
- Green
- White
- Blue
C. Which is the national bird of Sri Lanka
- Wild cock
2. Eagle
3. Chakor
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D. Which animal has the most blood in its body?
- Elephant
- Camel
- Giraffe
E. How many people have gone to the moon thus far?
F. Drinking what, mixed with milk sharpens the brain?
- Fennel
- Almond
- Cashew
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G. Which creature’s eyes can rotate in different directions?
- Owl
- Camelion
- Parrot
H. In which country do gold cars run?
- China
- Singspore
- Saudi Arabia
I. Which disease is caused by eating too much banana?
- Sugar
- Constipation
- Stone
J. In which country is a license required to keep a dog?
- Russia
- Finland
- Cuba
To be able to know whether you have high or low IQ, it is time now to check out the answers
Please check out other editions of High or Low IQ, here