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Cryptic Pregnancy Dangers: Why Every Woman Must Be Alert



Cryptic pregnancy Dangers

Child bearing experience across many traditions is a desirable thing but cryptic pregnancy dangers can sometimes get in the way.

In other words, it could mar the happiness that follows normal conception and ultimate child delivery.

Until children begin to come, marital unions are usually not perceived completely blessed.


The irony however is that a woman could taken in and not know

And that exactly what cryptic pregnancy is: when a woman is pregnant and doesn’t know she is pregnant.

Of course, certain reasons account for this. But before dwelling on the possible reasons, suffice to say that women’s physiological systems aren’t the same;, and all the signs of neutrality may be there, yet the woman is long gone.


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Aside other possible symptoms, are that women who experience irregular periods can be prone to cryptic pregnancy.

What causes a cryptic pregnancy?


A number of health institutions including the Cleveland Clinic agree to the following possible causes:

,I. The absence of pregnancy symptoms

ii  False  negative result by administered pregnancy tests.


iii.   a person doesn’t notice the pregnancy symptoms or dismisses them.

A person doesn’t know the symptoms, and therefore, doesn’t know they’re pregnant.

According to Flohealth, an online health resource, the primary cause is hormonal imbalance and cryptic Pregnancy dangers tend to worsen with ignorance.


Rather than taking necessary health precautions, patients may mistake their  nausea as coming from eating a certain food or that they are tired because they need to sleep more.

Generally however, the following symptoms are indicative of of the presence of cryptic pregnancy:

-missed period,  light bleeding, weight gain or swollen belly: and fetal movement:


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On the last point for example, they argue that

“Most people don’t feel the fetus move until about halfway through pregnancy. If you have an anterior placenta, the placenta’s in the front of your belly. This can make it harder to feel kicks. In the case of a cryptic pregnancy, this could be why you don’t realize you’re pregnant”.


Generally, sufficient information could mitigate cryptic pregnancy dangers, even as some studies have suggested that cryptic pregnancies are more likely to result in preterm birth due to lack of prenatal care, poor nutrition or lifestyle choices.

As with every health issue, regular visit to the doctor could help to mitigate danger by at least, the carrying out of blood and urine tests, ultrasound and measuring fundal height.

Others are relevant physical examinations and nutritional and lifestyle counseling.


Real dangers associated with cryptic pregnancy

1. Not knowing that one is pregnant, may hinder them from seeking medicare early and this could be risky for both mother and child

2. The fetus may develop poorly with all its associated dangers


3. The baby is likely to be delivered premature.

4. Because fetal care may not commenced early, poor growth and respiratory diseases may result.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Rowena Chukuka

    December 18, 2023 at 11:01 am

    Awesome is important, thank for good job

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