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Crossover Night 2022 -Police Warns Against False Prophecies



Crossover Night 2022

Crossover night 2022 is around the corner, but as churches prepare for the epic service, the police warns them against false prophecies, trying to hoodwink people.

This warning is coming amidst intense preparation by ministries for the crossover night 2022, a religious activity which draws both regular church goers and occasional visitors.

“Let us continue to remember that whereas we have the right to practice our faith in religion, freedom of worship and speech, this right must not be exercised in violation of the rights of others and the public interest.

“As part of sustaining the gains made so far, the Police Service has adopted 27th December of each year as the Prophecy Communication Compliance Day. This day is being set aside to remind all of us, to practice our faith within the confines of the law to ensure a safe, secure environment, free of anxiety generated from predictions of impending harm, danger, or death,” a statement from the Ghana police Service said relating to the matter.


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It did the same a year ago December 27, 2021 drawing the attention of the general public, especially members of the religious community to the law regarding the communication of prophecies”, reports the Daily Guide Network.

It also urged compliance to the law to ensure continuous security and law and order in the country.

Commending the public, particularly religious groups for their cooperation, it said they should remain conscious of the law as regards the issue of prophecies particularly and the practice of their faiths generally.


The Eagle reports that Crossover Night 2022 would be key for Nigerian churches and to Nigerians themselves.

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Aside providing opportunity for congregation members to list and present at the altar of God, their expectations and prepare points for year 2023, it is expected to feature intense prayers for the new year, being an election year in the country.


Feelers from the political parties and their candidates show that it would be a serious election, and in their character, churches would be calling prayer points regarding a peaceful process, and the emergence of the right candidates.


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