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Breaking: IGP Snubs Senate, As Lawmakers Give Him Wednesday To Appear Before Plenary



Floor of The Senate

The Nigerian Senate has set another date, Wednesday, May 2nd, for the Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris to appear before plenary.

This move was made on Thursday after the Police boss snubbed their earlier invitation over the arrest of Kogi lawmaker, Dino Melaye.

Tensions had flared during plenary when the senators fumed at the disrespect shown to the senate following the IGP’s decision to send the Police DIG to represent him at the senate sitting.

Meanwhile, the IGP is away at Bauchi State with President Muhammadu Buhari but did not inform the Senate of his impending absence to the plenary today.


Senate Leader, Bala Na’allah told the Senate that the IGP is out of town in Bauchi with Mr. President.

“That being said, the legacy in this Institution goes a long way into the future & as such, it is wrong that he did not inform us of his inability to be here today.

“I see no reason why the IGP cannot be here as this displays a wrong foundation for our Democratic system,” the Senate Leader said.


“By Wednesday, the IGP must appear before the Senate,” Senator Mao Ohuabunwa opined.

“This is not a military regime, this is a democracy. We do not treat each arm of Government as independent as we should in a democracy. This is why we are where we are today.” Senator Emmanuel Bwacha contributed.

Senator Akpabio said the Police boss should brief both arms of the National Assembly in a joint session as there are other security issues too in the country outside of Senator Melaye’s arrest.


He said: “The IGP should brief us in a joint session. There are other issues outside of Senator Dino’s arrest that the IGP has to brief us on as well.”

The  Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, who expressed his displeasure to the IGP’s snub, said there is a general consensus by senators that the Inspector General of Police appear before plenary on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018.

He said: “Distinguished colleagues, we have taken the contributions and the general consensus is that we give a specific date, Wednesday 2nd May, 2018, 11am, for the IG of Police to appear.”


The Senate President said the Senate won’t allow any individual to disrespect its democratic authority citing the Senate Leader’s words.

“As we do that, I take cue from the comments of the Leader which I have strong views on, is that the dignity and integrity of our democratic authority, we must protect it and we must not allow anybody to show any disrespect or desecrate that authority.

”As I said to you the other day, and I’m sure Senator Abu Ibrahim will confirm, neither Senator Abu Ibrahim nor myself have received any response from the IG of Police in the last 48 hours.


”Sending his DIG here today is not respectful enough. He should have had the respect of this institution to reach the Chairman or myself to explain.

”We have all been Chief Executives. If Mr President is going to Bauchi to commission a project that has to do with the Airforce, he is only accompanying the President.

”If he had said to Mr President, with the killings that are going on it is important that I go to parliament, I am very sure that Mr. President will say, IG that is more important, go to the parliament.


”This is the point we are making about those who are appointed who are creating more problems. Someone said to me, if a former Minster that has been suspended by the President breaks into the council chambers at the Villa and does some kind of mischief, will the IG of Police not feel he needs to report to the President on what actions have been taken since?

“This can not be the kind of democratic setting we expect. As you have rightly said we must ensure that things are done properly.

“We give him until Wednesday, 11am for him to come here to explain to us what is happening in this country regarding these killings; what do we need to do collectively to bring an end to this killings; what challenges are there; and why are we having these issues?


“I don’t think there is anything more important today than these issues. So let us wait till when he comes on Wednesday to address that so that we can find a way forward on this matter.”