Behold, The Days Are Coming, Catholic Bishops Prophecy Over Nigeria

There is a prophecy on the lips of Catholic Bishops in Nigeria for their country: “Behold, the days are coming Yahweh declares, when I shall raise an upright Branch for David..”, they warn.
Catholic Bishops of Ibadan Ecclesiastical Province comprising Ilorin, Ondo, Oyo, Ekiti, and Osogbo Dioceses, gave the prophecy, at the the conclusion of their meeting at the Domus Pacis Pastoral Institute, Igoba, Akure, on Wednesday.
The Eagle reports that the clergy men, made the prphecy via a communique jointly signed by the Province Chairman, Most Rev. Gabriel Abegunrin, and the Secretary, Most Rev Akin Oyejola.
It reads:“ Behold, the days are coming, Yahweh declares, when I shall raise an upright Branch for David; he will reign as king and be wise, doing what is just and upright in the country (Jer. 23:5).
They also used the opportunity to state their displeasure over certain critical issues in the country, including passage of the amended Electoral Act and the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).
“The ongoing controversy surrounding the proceedings of the national assembly gives ample evidence of the theatre of the absurd which democratic representation has become in Nigeria.
“Be it on the electoral reform, electronic transmission of electoral results, press freedom or the Petroleum Industrial Bill (PIB), the work of those who represent the people on the federal level in Nigeria does not seem to bring much satisfaction to the people for whose interest they were allegedly elected.
According to them, relief and progress have continued to elude Nigerians because the National Assembly had continued to prioritise personal interests above national interests
“With the National Assembly at various occasions prioritising party and privileges over people’s rights and interest,”Simply put, those who claim to represent the people seem to have perfected the art of sabotaging the progress of their same people. Indeed, the time may have come for Nigerians to no longer simply roll over and accept non-representative decisions of the assembly but to challenge them by all legitimate means,” the bishops said.
“Ongoing electoral reforms give another opportunity for reviving the hopes of the people and confidence in the nation’s democracy.
“An important part of electoral reform, which is often ignored, is the education of the people who participate in building democracy.
Appealing to Nigerians to keep hopes alive towards a peaceful, united and prosperous country in the nearest future, they added:
“Only participation in the political process and adherence to the rule of law offer an enduring means of authentic change but people must be helped to understand this fact,”.
The prophecy is coming at a critical moment in the country when daily survival had become really challenging.
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Prices of essential things have gone beyond the reach of the ordinary Nigerian with the government proving incapable of arresting it.
Many people now resort to prayers and prophecy as the only ways out.