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‘Accelerate’ – Great Insights As Gbagada TREM Hosts Anointing Service





It was a rare day of great insights from the scripture, as  the  Gbagada branch of the Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM), celebrated its anointing service.

Themed “Accelerate”, the anointing service was aimed at taking people from where they currently were to where they ought to be.


Hosts Revd Mark Anthony and Chi Isiguzoro had made the necessary preparations for an impactful programme, especially with another respected preacher in the fold, and District Pastor, Rev Segun Akingbuwa as guest minister.

There by the auditorium entrance were a pair of cheerful ushers to direct guests, but there was no missing the strategically located sanitisers before admittance.

The ambiance inside was inviting too, and the siting order,  again, an impressive deference to social distancing, hinting off a completely compliant church. Nothing less would have been expected though, given the level of social awareness of the man of God here, and the general trend at the bigger church.

Rev Akingbuwa, about to go to the podium

-Accelerate 1 –

The choir had begun to deal out good praise songs by the time The Eagle correspondent was ushered to his seat, but it was not long before the amiable host, Rev Isiguzoro picked the microphone.

At this time, one could not, but quickly reflect on his multi-talented quality, in addition to his usually warm and friendly personality.

This latter part would however form the crux of a latter write-up once The Eagle accomplishes a personality interview session the man of God had promised to grant after now.


Suffcie to say that a charm percolated the church once the host received the microphone to do the needful for that moment.

 Addressing his members, he said: “ I am happy to see you this morning, refreshed, renewed. Revitilised”

“You are all looking colourful, and I am happy that our District Pastor is seated here”, Rev Isiguzoro pursued, drawing applause from the elated congregation.

Rev Akingbuwa,,,file photo

“It is a coloourful morning, and I have no doubt in my mind that you will be blessed”, he submitted, glancing from the people to the guest minister, Rev Segun Akingbuwa, whom he proceeded in introducing as a worthy vessel, a silent but great achiever, and an unassuming minister of God, each accolade followed with applause from the church, even as the guest minister moved to the altar.

-Accelerate 2 –

As usual, he looked well trimmed and pleasant.

“ I bring you greetings from TREM Ejogbo”, the guest minister began, adding, “God is doing a lot of things in our midst, we give Him all the praise”.


And for the next minutes, he also had pleasant things also to say about the host, describing him, amongst others as “a man I admire so much”, and adding that, “I am praying to be like him”

And if you wondered why, Rev Akingbuwa would say, so, his next interjection gave an indication.

“I have never seen him angry. He has this pleasant smile and I aspire to be like him. He may have been angry behind, but I have never seen him angry”, he admoninshed about the host, also describing the wife, Rev Chi Mark Anthony as thoughtful, always taking the pains to enquire about the welfare of his own wife.


“I also want to thank God for everybody here, helping to lift the hand of the man of God in this work. Big Daddy (The Presiding Bishop of TREM, Dr Mike Okonkwo) would always say, that without the people, that the vision would perish.. You will never lose your reward”.

Rev Akingbuwa thereafter, took the theme for the day head-on, , latching on II kings 6:1-and referencing with the story of Elisha and the Sons of the Prophets in enlightening the audience. He defined the“ Accelerate” variously to mean, to move faster, to gain speed, and more speed.

-Accelerate 3 –


He said it may not connote being stationary, but to progress more rapidly.

The minister submitted that there were reasons for one to seek to accelerate and listed the reasons thus:

  1. Because  I have the capacity as given by God
  2. Because I have a mission to accomplish
  3. Because I have competitors to beat
  4. Because if I move slower, those who are competing with me will overtake

According to him , there is a warning on believers as enunciated in Amos 9:13, of a mission to accomplish, and that desiring or asking for grace to lead was not out of place, but in line with the plan of God.’

“There is always somebody to outrun; God has said, you are the head, not the tail, so you accelerate to maintain your lead”, Rev Akingbuwas admonished,


According to him, acceleration however tended to go in tandem with pressure, in the form of a situation that makes one worry, adding as a matter of fact that  there was no acceleration without pressure.

In paraphrase: When you need a car to move faster, you apply pressure to the accelerator and if the tyre is not well pressurised, the engine cannot move well. So, pressure is vital for anyone who desires to advance.

-Accelerate 4 –


“How many have asked why God allows us to experience pressure in certain areas of our lives? He knows without pressure, we cannot amount to much, we may not be able to arrive at the desired point” he submitted.

What then could pressure in the life of one indicate?

According to him, it could mean any of the following:


-you have been sitting or crawling but need to walk

-that you have been walking and need to run

-you have been running but need to fly


-you have been flying but need to lift your flight to another level.

To him, the lesson is that there is still much more you can accomplish no matter what you have already accomplished

In summary, he advised the audience, not to fret about pressure,  but note that when well managed, pressure could produce  something desirable but for which people are unwilling to pay the price.


He also used the mother Eagle and the Eaglet in his illustrations, submitting that the latter is hatched on the highest mountain and that part reason is that it must fly. And that the mother Eagle only tolerates the Eaglet for a time, but begins to make the nest uncomfortable once convinced the baby had come of age, and needed to soar as destined.

-Accelerate 5 –

In conclusion, Rev Akingbuwa advised his audience to begin to look at their current challenges in the right perspective so that they could maximise its lessons to advantage.

The word for the day delivered, he later barged into a  heart-felt prayer session for the congregation, announcing that things would begin to happen fast for good for them.


And you could feel the impact the message, resonate in the auditorium. And full of  appreciation, Rev Isiguzoro thanked the guest minister.

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He equally reflected over  his prayer at the commencement, for  the ministration to come with definite impertation, thanking God that the prayer was answered.  


“I am glad that today, we have partaken of the grace upon your life”, he said addressing the guest minister.