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You can prepare better for a job interview using this new Google feature…



You can prepare better for a job interview using this new Google feature...

In order to help job searchers feel more at ease and confident during job interviews, Google has developed a new feature called “Interview Warmup.”

A typical job listing in Africa draws more than 2,400 candidates, according to Google. And this implies that there may not be much prospect of finding employment. Google added that it can be challenging to prepare for and do an interview in a new profession. This is especially true when a job applicant lacks the support of friends, family, or mentors.

The tool was created to assist Google Career Certificate students in preparing for job interviews and was initially introduced in October 2022 at the second Google for Africa Event. It is now open for use by everyone.


Job searchers can practice answering questions that have been carefully chosen by industry experts using the Interview Warmup tool. The program transcribes their responses using machine learning created by Google Research to show them where they may improve.

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Individuals preparing for interviews can begin practicing by visiting the homepage, selecting the position they are interviewing for, and then participating in a practice interview with five questions chosen at random or specific interview questions.

Additionally, users will be able to view insights, which are machine learning-detected patterns that might help users understand more about their responses. Users may observe how much time they spend discussing topics like their experience, talents, and ambitions by looking at these, which contain job-related phrases, words used most frequently, and talking points.

Interview Warmup is available on the latest versions of Chrome on OSX, Windows, and Android, as well as the latest version of Safari on iOS devices.

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