7 Vital Documents Car Owners in Nigeria Must Present to Police

What documents do I need to gather when buying a tokunbo car in Nigeria? is a common concern for Nigerians. Some people have succumbed to ignorance and purchased stolen or smuggled autos as a result.
THEEAGLE created this list to stop you from purchasing an undocumented vehicle in order to stop similar incidents in the future.
1. Original Car Purchase Receipt
This car purchase receipt provides proof that you are buying the vehicle from the owner and not stealing it. The seller may attempt to deceive you at some point into thinking the item isn’t really significant. Be cautious and don’t leave unless you have this original receipt. Additionally, keep an eye out for papers that have been tampered with.
2. Proof of Ownership
Your status as the car’s legitimate owner is confirmed by the proof of ownership. It is a legal document that entitles you to the disputed car. If you fail to provide this proof of ownership when asked, you risk losing your car or having it impounded.
3. Duly Stamped Customs Documents
If you purchased your vehicle Tokunbo, it was probably imported via land borders or seaports. To prove that the car was not smuggled and that you paid the proper duties, you must have fully stamped customs paperwork. Another requirement is that the car’s information should be consistent across all of the papers. Important details include a car’s VIN, which needs to match what the paper says. If you don’t get this document, you risk having the police bother you repeatedly.
4. Police Report Papers
The police report documents are another crucial document you should be on the hunt for. These documents include crucial details including the engine number, ownership change, and a tinted permit for vehicles with tinted windows. You would get into a lot of problems with these law enforcement officials if you didn’t have these papers.
5. Current Car Insurance
If the car you’re purchasing isn’t a direct tokunbo, the owner must have included the cost of his insurance in the price he quoted you. Any damage caused by an accident on the road while using it will be paid for by this insurance. We encourage you to obtain this insurance paper while purchasing the tokunbo car in order to submit such a claim in the future.
6. Plate Number Allocation
Obtain the document describing the allotment of plate numbers as well. If the seller is unable to furnish this document for certain reasons, you may swear an affidavit under oath in court.
Note: If the seller purchased the vehicle as a used vehicle registered in Nigeria, he must have the change of ownership document properly signed and delivered to you. You don’t actually need this document, though, if the car was purchased as a direct tokunbo. Additionally, it is crucial that you behave sensibly when it comes time to get the tokunbo automobile, regardless of the type of vehicle you are aiming for. You must obtain these documents and confirm their legitimacy. Collecting photocopies is not advisable, especially if you are actually paying for the car. To prevent unpleasant situations in front of Nigerian law enforcement officials, always ask for the original documents.
7. Road Worthiness
Obtain this roadworthiness certificate from the seller as well. It is also necessary for you to renew it each time it expires after you have purchased it from the seller. For this renewal, go to any location in Nigeria and approach the vehicle test station. When you go for this, you should bring your license and insurance documents with you.
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